Mitchell Family Newsletter

"Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." Proverbs 22:28

Vol. 23 ISSN 1185-6211 No. 1

Spring 2002 

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Editorial Crew for this Edition

David Sargent, Pam Mitchell, Adele Priestley (Maple Ridge BC), Grant Ackney, George & Sue Mitchell (Parksville, BC)


Article contributors for this Edition: Thank You All!

Adele Priestley (BC)

Edith Anderson (Ont.)

Kathy & Joe Skipsey (BC)

Jennie Coutanche (Ont.)

Judy Kurtz (Ont.)

Eldon & Ruby Mitchell (Michigan)

Jack Scott (BC)

Pam & Ken Mitchell (Ont.)

Shirley Balding (Alta)

Greg Mahood (Ont.)

Paula Nocente (Washington)

Nicole Doyle (BC)

Cliff Mitchell (Alta.)

Contents Summary:

Pam’s & Grant’s & Dave’s Messages

Eileen & Edith’s Presentation to Pam

Important Projects that need your help

Stan Mitchell 5th Memorial Golf Tournament

Donations to the Mitchell Memorial

Anniversaries, Weddings, New Mitchells

Our 65th Birthday Party – A Story

Donations to the Newsletter

Health Corner Schizophrenia - Update

What is a Scotch Irish?

Genealogy Weblink of the Month

Your Invited to Stay or Visit!

Birthday Greetings

Cousins in the News

Mitchell on the Move, Needs Assistance

Your ideas and submissions please

Reunion 2001 - Part 2

Picnic Pictures – Family, Fun, Food

Silent Auction Stories

Dinner & Entertainers

Stories & Events on the way Home

Calling All Kids

Lost Cousins & Subscription Renewal

Contact us:

Newsletter items, ideas, submissions and comment

Dave Sargent

4019 Hessington Place

Victoria BC V8N 5C5


Phone (250) 721-2430

Subscription Fee, Mitchell Memorial,

Family Tree, Merchandise, Treasurer,

Family Guru and Authority!

Pam (Jones) Mitchell

174 Oakridge Blvd.

Nepean ON K2G 2V2


Phone (613) 225-1435

Fax: (613) 225-0130

Webmaster, Email list

Change email address

Grant Ackney

Box 563

Nelson BC V1L 5R3




NEXT NEWSLETTER: October 2002 SUBMISSIONS: by September 20, 2002

Pam’s Message – (Nepean, Ontario) 

(Feb 20) Well, I hear from Dave Sargent that the flower count is on in Victoria and we still have quite a bit of snow - although not nearly as much as we have had in past years. I mustn’t speak too quick though as Spring Break for the children has not arrived yet and with it we always seem to get a major dump of snow. It has been a very mild winter in the east which doesn’t bode well for summer’s gardens. The lake and river levels will no doubt be down drastically as well. So, I am sure we are in for a hot, muggy summer - somehow we will PAY for this mild winter we have been having! Winterlude, our annual winter carnival, took a beating this year with the mild weather - the Rideau Canal - the longest skating rink in the world - was closed for most of the carnival due to lack of ice. It was strange to see the professional ice carvers working on their fantastic sculptures - inside refrigerated trucks - so their creations wouldn’t melt! The many gorgeous snow sculptures didn’t last long without the cold weather we usually have. And, the word in yesterday’s newspaper was that the sap is running at the local Maple Sugar Bush - the earliest it has started in 40 years - a sure sign of an early spring - we hope!

Now that the Olympics are over, life at 174 Oakridge can get back into routine again. We love to watch all the festivities and competitions and managed to see just about all there was to see. How about that hockey final - two great teams and hockey like it was meant to be played! Our Canadians did well and we are so proud of them and their efforts. Living in a coaching household for many years we know what training and dedication goes into all those competitions and our athletes put their heart and soul into each and every event and race.

Life with our new collie, Storm, is proving VERY INTERESTING! He is a handful to say the least - at 8 months old he is now around 70 lbs. and has a mind of his own. Ken is training faithfully every day with him and he is improving but he has a long way to go - Storm, not Ken, that is! It is a constant battle with the laundry basket - he loves to steal everything in sight – life’s a game and he is so delighted when he can get us going. This is the first male we have had after three female collies and we have to admit he is DIFFERENT! Much stronger, more headstrong and stubborn - must be a male thing!!! Have to admit though, he is lots of fun and we are enjoying him immensely. Keeps us on our toes!

Please make sure you read up on this year’s Stan Mitchell Memorial Golf Tournament - we would love to see as many family members as possible. We are really excited about our new project - that of furnishing a room in our local hospital in his memory. Hopefully it won’t take us too long to accomplish this goal but it is something we can work towards in the next few years.

I close off for now - hope everyone has a wonderful spring and summer - and that you are saving your nickels for a trip to Manitoba in 2004! We are looking forward to it.

P.S. (Apr 20) to my article or else the eastern cousins will really think I am "out to lunch" as we are now at the highest flood levels on the Ottawa River in years - lots of flooding and rain in the forecast - doesn't look good at all.  Last week it was 30 degrees C. and then we had snow but it was the quick very warm spell that caused the melting in the northern part of the province and it all sailed down to us!


Lots of love,

Pam (Jones) Mitchell

Ken6, William Noble3, Samuel2


Message from Grant - Internet News - (Nelson, B.C.) I’d like to thank all of you that responded to the last Newsletter and are now taking the letter off the Internet. Just have to put another plug in for the Web Site- if you haven’t sent us an E-mail yet, DO IT NOW. It’s easy just drop a line to and I’ll get you the Web Site address --- and you’re off. I’m sure that you could also send in some addresses of family that don’t get the Mitchell Newsletter at present. Hope to hear from you all soon.

Grant Ackney6 (Alexander3, William2)


Message from Dave(Victoria, B.C.)

Sorry I am late again, the weather out here gave us no winter in the winter months then snow in the Spring, after the flower count, so I went back and hibernated! That’s my excuse and I am sticking to it!

I had hoped to have the letter out two to three weeks ago but kept finding more good stuff to go find, more pictures to scan and more people to talk to, seems like someone stole February away from me.

This Newsletter has some great contributions from some familiar names that did a great job of providing pictures and submissions as they often do, and we hope they will always continue to contribute. The contributors are the backbone of this operation. In reading the tribute to Pam I recall hearing it at the reunion last summer. Folks as great as that story was, and I love reading it over and over (next page), it was a small part of what Pam put in place for the Newsletter, and that is the network of contacts and reporters and processes and procedures that we use today.

The more folks that contribute the better, the themes in each newsletter only take up about a third of the newsletter, all the other items take up about two thirds and we need your contributions.


WANTED: Pictures and stories about family members, preserving history, family adventures, family or individual accomplishments or milestones, sharing good news and bad, funny and sad, every child writes at least four assignments a year, some even do projects about parents and grandparents or family history, some of you paint, some of you take pictures, some of you write poetry, some of you are researching family history and genealogy, let’s hear from you all.


Theme: The Mitchell's of Brandon history in advance of the 2004 reunion to be held in Brandon, Manitoba. We would like stories and pictures or people, places, things to do for all ages. Copies of video also welcome and we have editing equipment and can combine the tapes. Contact David or any of us. SUBMISSIONS by September 20, 2002 Please

Possible themes for future editions

Comments Please, Especially Organizing 2004 Committee

October 2002 - Print the first part of the Brandon project, the Mitchell's of Brandon history, adding as many pictures as possible and practical (roughly 50% text, 50% pictures).

March 2003 - The second part of the Brandon project, historical sites outside of Brandon (Woodnorth, Virden, Winnipeg and some of those destinations and families)

September 2003 - The third part, what is to do in modern day Brandon and wider area (sites to visit on your own time), sites included in the reunion draft itinerary??, plus notice for sign up to the reunion.

March 2004 - Final reminder to register, "final" itinerary?, follow up articles on the Brandon branches.

Presentation to Pam, Including the History of the Newsletter and Reunions

Presentation to Pam (Jones) Mitchell (Ken 6) at the Reunion Dinner by Eileen (Mitchell) MacMillan 5 (Nepean, Ontario) written by Edith (Mitchell) Anderson 5 (William Noble 3, Samuel 2) (Kanata, Ontario)

For those of you who may be new to the Mitchell Family Reunions we thought you would be interested in a brief history of how the family tree started and of how – out of that – our family gatherings began.

Our niece, Donna Mitchell, developed an early interest in the history of the Mitchell family, and with the help of her Mom and Dad, Stan and Betty Mitchell, and some early information from her Grandma Jessie Mitchell, prowled through old cemeteries peering at headstones, looked up ancient hand written Church records, and researched the records of the national Archives in Ottawa peering at often difficult to read ship manifests. Occasionally, she enlisted the help of other family members in the Ottawa Valley, but Donna was the catalyst.

Eventually being satisfied that she had enough family history to make such a venture interesting, she called a few of us together, and asked " So- how does Reunion 1980 sound?!" Some of us privately thought that might not be so interesting- we were sure we already knew everybody on our tree! However, not wanting to throw cold water on Donna’s suggestion and on what could perhaps be a pleasant family picnic, we happily went along with her idea. Well. What an outcome! What a family picnic. Close to two hundred people attended the first reunion and we discovered we had ourselves a real family tree!

We learned that the Family was spread all across Canada and the United States and even beyond. For me, personally, I found two first cousins I never knew existed and have become fast friends with them, despite seeing them only every three years. We learned that our Great Grandfather Samuel came to Canada not alone, but with his brother William, his sister Jane, and their spouses. It was exciting and fascinating and the first Family Reunion was a huge success. We will be forever in Donna’s debt for planting the seeds of this enormous tree.

An enthusiastic vote revealed that family members wanted reunions every three years, and it was hoped that they would alternate between eastern and western locations. This has been largely the case- with reunions held in Ottawa 2, Brandon, Vancouver, Edmonton, Vernon, and this second one in Vancouver.

After the first reunion, the demands of young children and a job demanded too much of Donna’s time and her sister in law Pam Mitchell graciously took over keeping the records, and has worked long and arduous hours on our behalf since 1980.

Pam has kept meticulous records of the family tree, updating it constantly as news comes in. An immense point of interest at the first couple of reunions was a gigantic family tree which she drew by hand – a very painstaking, time consuming task. Because of the volume of names, it finally became necessary to put the information on computer, and Betty was the one who undertook to do this … getting the computer program up and running, and inputting the material from index cards. She received some help from here mother in law Betty, who continues to enter names on the genealogy program. I should add that her father in law, Stan, was a constant source of support and encouragement through the years. Arrangements were made for copies of our newsletters to be stored and available in the National Library of Canada. (n.b. and as we do special editions like the one on the families around Richmond, the City Archives were also provided with a copy).

During the first reunion, we took a bus tour to the Gatineau, near Ottawa, and visited the original cemetery where some of the Mitchell ancestors were buried. This necessitated our wading through chest high weeds and reading headstones as they lay on the ground. As a result of this visit, Mel Mitchell stood up at the Saturday evening dinner and announced he was making an initial donation to start a Cemetery Restoration Fund. This idea was received with wholehearted enthusiasm, and donations have continued to arrive ever since. I mention this here, because, once again, Pam took over the administration of this account – doing the banking, acknowledging receipt of donations, and dispensing of funds whenever the Restoration Committee needed money for ongoing work and care. I should also add that Pam, and her husband Ken, is usually at any work party undertaken at the cemetery. By the way, for those of you who have not seen the restored cemetery, it is a far cry from the cemetery visited in 1980 – the stones are all standing o a cement pad, there is an ornamental iron fence surrounding these, and there is a handsome dedication plaque on a huge stone. The Restoration Committee is headed by Ken P. Mitchell.

Our Newsletter grew out of the success of the first reunion and the desire to stay in touch and is a very big item in keeping the family informed and together. It was started by Pam. She developed it, and ever since has coaxed, cajoled, and persuaded people to submit articles for it. (Ed. Note from Pam: Others helped like Greg Mitchell of Toronto Designed the distinctive masthead we still use today).

When she has enough material, she types it, edits it, and arranges for its distribution. But before it can be distributed, she will visit the Post Office and find out the cost to mail each copy, depending on the size of any particular issue.

You may have heard of the "Lick and Stick" gang – these are people Pam invited in, usually with yummy food supplied, to collate the pages, affix address labels and the appropriate stamps, when this is all done she totes the finished product off to the post office for mailing. When it’s time to stick the stamps on, she knows EXACTLY how many Canadian stamps are required, how many U.S. stamps, how many Australian, etc. And if we attempt to say we are even one stamp short – she’ll find it.

The Newsletter is obviously a very costly item – considering the quantity, the paper, and the postage – and a Newsletter Fund was established. Again, Pam takes care of this with meticulous attention to bookkeeping, acknowledging subscriptions, and keeping track of subscribers and ensuring the mailing list is up to date. This has, of late, become a little easier since many now receive their newsletters online, but it is still a huge task. (Ed. Note. Now Grant Ackney has the pleasure of updating all the changing to the email addresses!)

At the time of the first reunion in 1980, Donna Mitchell hatched the idea for a Family Cookbook. There was wholehearted support and encouragement for this project and great quantities of recipes arrived. When it was time to type them, Pam undertook this with immense good grace. Finally, she called in an editing crew as we all called her typing against the hand written recipes she had received. Whenever Pam reached out for help, she could be counted on to make the evening fun. This cookbook was produced in 1983, with an initial printing of 400 copies. An additional quantity was produced some time later, due to the overwhelming number of request for copies. Pam spent many long arduous hours planning, typing, coordinating, organizing and mounting the pages for the printer and those of us who possess a copy of the cookbook have something unique to our family, and we have Pam to thank for it.

We all realize, of course, that the time and dedication Pam has spent on behalf of the Mitchell family has been due to her marriage to Ken who has encouraged her, talked over details with her, offered his advice, and is, we know, justifiably extremely proud of his wife is to be commended for embracing her husband’s family as warmly as she does her own.

I have tried to give you some small idea of the amount of time and energy Pam has devoted to our family.

Now, as you are all aware, she has decided it is time to retire from producing the Newsletter and let someone else take it over. Therefore, Pam, in an effort to show our appreciation in some small way for all you have done for the Mitchell family, we would like you to accept this as a token of our gratitude and esteem.

If you fasten it to a bench in your lovely garden, where you will now be able to spend even more happy hours, we hope it will help you remember your very extended family and how much we appreciate all your efforts over the past twenty years.

Edith (Mitchell) Anderson 5 (William Noble 3, Samuel 2)

Family History

We are trying to compile stories from each branch of the family for use, hopefully, in a future book about our Mitchell Family. How did YOUR family come to settle where they did? Please share with us any stories you might have. We would like to get them written down and compiled. Between Jane2, William2 and Samuel2 who came to Canada in 1840 (the children of William1 and Jane (Stuart) Mitchell) they had 26 children. Although it will be very difficult to accomplish, we would like to try and have stories from each of the 26 branches. Please let us know if you feel you can help. Even if you just have a little tidbit to share, please do so! Nothing is too small. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact Pam or David (addresses on page 1).



The Mitchell family tree is an ongoing and never-ending project. Please keep us posted of births, deaths, marriages, etc. so we can keep it as up-to-date as possible. We are also compiling an archive of old family pictures, copies of documents, etc. If you have anything you'd like to share with us along this line we'd be pleased to hear from you. At the same time, we are looking for up-to-date pictures for the "Family Scrapbook". Please send us your family snapshot. Contact Pam (address on page 1).


Mitchell Memorial Restoration Project

The Mitchell Memorial Restoration Fund is used for the upkeep of the old pioneer cemetery in the Gatineau Hills of Quebec. Anyone wishing to donate to this project may do so by making a cheque payable to Mitchell Memorial Restoration Fund and sending it to Pam for deposit in the fund. Many thanks for your continuing support. Contact Pam (address on page 1).

5th Annual



Wednesday, July 10th, 2002 - 11:00 a.m.

It is hard to believe that this year marks the 5th anniversary of this wonderful gathering. Please plan to come if you can - the field is limited to 72 for golf and an additional 8 or 10 for dinner. Lots of prizes to be had. The field is made up of family, friends and as many of Dad’s golfing buddies from "The West End Duffers" as can make it.

We would greatly appreciate the donation of prizes for this event so if you can help out please let us know. The more prizes the better! The family will provide prizes for all the top winners and also the putting contest and other "fun"contests throughout the day. Any other prizes that are donated will add to the fun of the day - and we thank you in advance if you can contribute. It’s always fun when everyone goes home with a prize!

The other exciting news this year is that we have started a project in Stan’s name. By pooling any proceeds and donations made at this and future golf tournaments we are planning a memorial in Stan’s name by either furnishing a room or purchasing needed equipment at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital in Nepean, Ontario. This will take a few years (probably around 5) to accomplish but in the end we will proudly unveil something very worthwhile and worthy of bearing his name.

This year’s tournament will be taking place Wednesday, July 10th, 2002 at the Pontiac Golf Club at East Aldfield, Quebec - Dad’s favourite golf course in the area, known for its beauty and down-home hospitality. Tee-off time will be 11:00 a.m. and will be followed by a meal. Fees for a great day of golf and a terrific meal will be $35.00 (with any proceeds going to the Stan Mitchell Memorial Project). We can guarantee you will have a great time! Please note that if you would like to make up your own foursome or play with someone in particular, please submit everyone in your group at the same time along with registration fees and we will do our very best to put you together. All others will be randomly matched up into foursomes. No changes will be made on the day of the tournament.

We do hope you will be able to join us for a great day in the Gatineau Hills. Please let us know by June 1st if you will be able to play in the tournament. Space will be available on a first-come-first-served basis. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Send your registration fees and/or donations of prizes or memorials to:

Ken Mitchell

174 Oakridge Blvd.

Nepean, ON, K2G 2V2

Tel.: (613) 225-1435 Fax: (613) 225-0130 E-Mail:

Donations to the Mitchell Memorial Restoration Project

the Pioneer Cemetery in the Gatineau Hills, Quebec

A special thank you to Beth Harmon-5 (William-3, William-2) of Sidney, BC for their donation to the cemetery restoration fund.

Please send donations to Pam/Ken Mitchell (address above).


No reports THIS Period of Remembrances, Anniversaries, Wishes for a Speedy Recovery, Weddings, New Mitchells!, or Poems.

Our 65th Birthday Party

For several months before our birthdays, October 8 and October 29, our children worked very hard at putting together a surprise birthday party. Of course as things go a few clues came our way. Which of course made it more fun for us trying to figure out the clues. While Tracy was at work she phoned me to get me to phone Beverly to have her phone Tracy. This I thought rather strange, but as it turned out the phone call had nothing to do with their plans. Okay, so I was wrong. Had me thinking though. I even asked Tracy if Bev and Jim were coming up on the weekend. Glenn came in from Brad’s and said the kids mentioned that David and Amanda were coming up to stay overnight at their place. They were hushed up quite quickly. That was a good clue.

So Saturday morning I decided to do some sleuthing. Phoned Bev’s, nobody home. That is possible. Phoned Sherry’s. Nobody Home. Didn’t phone Brad’s since that was where they were supposed to be going. Tracy checked several times to make sure we were going to Brian’s hockey game, and to make sure we were going out for Dad’s (Glenn’s) birthday supper.

Glenn and I went to the hockey game and I made sure to take my camera just in case all our children were waiting at the arena to surprise us. They weren’t there. I asked Tracy where we were going for supper. She said McDonalds. … Later when I asked again it was to be at the Legion. The Legion only sets up for dinners on special occassions; we drive by and didn’t recognize any cars outside the building.

We walk in and all our family are there and called out surprise when we walked in the door, 25 in all. They had parked on the other side of the building. Tables were beautifully decorated with fall colours. Neat place cards and pictures. A great supper and huge birthday cake. Tracy gave us each a bib and jars of baby food. Oh well we are 65. Jim (son in law) was a great M.C. Entertainment included poems and songs, including one in sign language.

Another surprise was when Mayor George Rogers and his wife arrived with a letter from the office of the Mayor of Leduc and framed 65th birthday certificates. (Karen had arranged for this). Did we feel important or what!

Then to complete the day we had family pictures taken. We are so very proud of our family and we love you: Terry, Sherry, Duane, Steven Hagman; Trevor, Lorraine, Amanda, David Balding; Bradley, Carol, Jenny, Tina, Jolene Balding; Karen Balding; Jim, Beverly, Sean, Ryan Butler; Andy, Tracy, Gregory, Brian, Jeffrey Musson

Submitted by Shirley (Mitchell) Balding6

(Henry 3 William 2)


Donations to the Newsletter Fund since October

Royce & Doris-4 (Mitchell) McKinnon (Isaac-3, Samuel-2) of Sidney, BC

Glen Mitchell-5 (Alexander-3, William-2) of Hope, BC

Adele Priestley-6 (Henry-3, William-2) of Maple Ridge, BC

Eldon-5 & Ruby (Anderson) Mitchell (William Noble-3, Samuel-2) of Sterling Heights, MI

John, Susan and David Sargent6 (Henry 3, William 2) Victoria, BC

Pat (Mitchell) 5 Hawkins to William3, William2 Calgary

Thank You


Health Corner - Genes - Schizophrenia was the topic we sent out last letter and we had several families respond to the request. We also had several internet inquiries and we may have established a bridge to another branch of the Mitchell Clan that pre dates the 1840’s, far from being confirmed, but a lot of anecdotal similarities. In light of knowing that you are not alone out there, this may prompt others to come forward. Please contact us and we will put you in touch with the other families if you wish. Let us know if you have another health topic you would like surveyed in here and we will add it in the next addition. Dave Sargent


What is a Scotch Irish?

So Jane, William, Samuel their siblings and parents were Scotch Irish, what did that mean? So I went looking for a meaning and found this:

"The term "Scotch-Irish" is an Americanism, generally unknown in Scotland and Ireland, and rarely used by British historians. The Scottish settled in Ireland en masse from 1600 to 1700, with new lands opened up by command of the Crown, others came later. In North American usage, it refers to people of Scottish descent who, having lived for any time in the north of Ireland, migrated in considerable numbers to the American colonies in the eighteenth century. The "Great Migration" of Scotch-Irish to America took place from 1717 through 1776. An estimated 200-250,000 Scotch-Irish migrated to America during this period. (Ed. Some of these people returned to Ireland and Scotland only to return to Canada, possibly in 1840!)

Although there is evidence of the use of this term, or others, (Ulster Irish, Northern Irish, Irish Presbyterians) to differentiate the Scotch/Irish immigrants from other citizens of America, it is believed to have generally fallen into non-use by the mid 1840's, wherever it had been used. With the potato famine and the resulting immigration from the southern regions of Ireland an estimated 2 million Irishmen, mostly Catholic, and mostly from the southern parts of Ireland, immigrated to America during the period 1846-1856. After that time Irish immigrants were simply referred to as the Irish. Sourced but not directly quoted from The Scotch-Irish, A Social History, pg. i - James G. Leyburn. Dave Sargent


Caveat Emptor – Buyer and Poster Beware – The newsletter is on the Internet, even if it weren’t, every family has the odd scoundrel. When asking for help, or offering a service be extra careful who you offer a service to, or accept something from. OR if approached by someone claiming to be a relative (a very popular scam using the phone books, they see the same last name and claim to be a cousin or nephew, nothing to stop them using the internet too). Check and re-check, ask questions, don’t be afraid to find out whom you are dealing with, be comfortable, say no, and never offer money. Enjoy your company and your travels, and tell us about it!



A reminder to Mitchell’s visiting the Seattle area to call and stay with us, also an invitation to make a rest and or sleepover at our summer cabin if anyone is travelling through BC this summer at Christina Lake, BC.   Please call us at 425 2226979 or email us at
Submitted by Paula Nocente6 (Alexander 3 William 2)


New Mitchells Welcome

Nathaniel - Nathaniel Gwyn Edward Hawkins7 Born September 5, 2001 Parents Neil Hawkins 6 and Jennifer Seamone. Calgary, Alberta. Submitted by Pat (Mitchell) 5 Hawkins to William3, William2 Calgary


Sweet 16

Paradie Stewart7, daughter of Paula Nocente6 and granddaughter of Patti Nocente (Merry5) is celebrating her sweet sixteen.  It is especially sweet for me, her mother, because I won't have to drive her around anymore! Hurray

Submitted by Paula Nocente6

(Alexander 3 William 2)


Birthday Congratulations

Helen Kurtz 5 (Mary Ann 3 William 2)

97th April 4th, 2002

Helen was honoured by the city of Newmarket Ontario recently for her tireless volunteer work. Helen makes sandwiches for the Senior's Centre once a week, plays bridge for the York Central Hospital (usually wins a prize too), and is very active in her condo playing bingo, and active in all programs. Part of her honours included a beautifully framed picture of Hilary Weston and Helen; pins of Newmarket and Canada, a bouquet of roses was given to Helen. She was thrilled with all the accolades given to her. The press also took her picture for the local newspaper. Submitted by Judy Kurtz 6 (daughter-in-law, and one of her biggest fans!)




Cousins in the News

Not only is Bretton Coutanche8 popular in the Mitchell Newsletter but he has made it to the big leagues in his first modelling job in print advertisements for the Bay (Canada’s largest department store chain).

Jennie7 (Kurtz) Coutanche (Mary Ann3, William2).


Cousins in the News

Tiffany Mitchell-7 (William Noble-3, Samuel-2) is attending Wayne State University where she started in September 2001. Tiffany is daughter of Jeff-6 and Sandy (Ulatowski) Mitchell of Allen Park, Michigan; and granddaughter of Eldon-5 and Ruby (Anderson) Mitchell of Sterling Heights, Michigan

Ben Malecki-7 (William Noble-3, Samuel-2) will be attending Michigan State University as an English major in September 2002. Ben is son of Jerry and Judy-6 (Mitchell) Malecki of Hartland, Michigan; and grandson of Eldon-5 and Ruby (Anderson) Mitchell of Sterling Heights, Michigan.

Sandi Croft (Greg Scott 7) has been accepted as one of the dance troupe that will back up Celine Dion in her show scheduled to begin for a multi year run in Las Vegas. More information can be found at the website and look at "Good News". What you will find there for those without internet access is that Sandi will be training with some of the world’s elite, having already been selected from a very tough competition from amongst the world’s best, and will rehearse in the U.S. and Europe for 9 months before the show opens.  Sandi has a lengthy resume of accomplishments in television, stage, film, dance, art, and teaching and has accomplished those on at least six continents, on several oceans and served several occasions with the UN. (Ed.) If you recall in the 95 reunion Sandi did the choreography for the Mitchell talent show for the Cleland & Irene Mitchell family called "We Are Family" Jack and Lorrie Scott 6 (Henry 3, William 2)

Mark & Chris our oldest son and wife just won the WEST VANCOUVER 2002 HERITAGE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD.  The Heritage Awards are given annually to recognize individuals, groups and businesses that have made a significant contribution in support of heritage conservation or awareness in the community. The program is administered by the West Vancouver Heritage Advisory Commission. Their award was for the rehabilitation, restoration or appropriate maintenance of a heritage building. They restored their home, which was the second house that Arthur Erickson (Editors note: major west coast designer/architect with a long list of high profile achievements) designed. Jack and Lorrie Scott 6 (Henry 3, William 2)

"What happens when you mix classic Oscar Wilde stage with 21st century Grande Prairie amateur theatre? The stage, or rather three, at Five Mile Hall, make a great setting for this classic tale of misadventure by misrepresentation directed by Cliff Mitchell and produced by Erna Moon." That is how the rave review started of the Cliff Mitchell production of the Importance of Being Earnest, a sold out house that played in Grande Prairie Feb 6 to 23 on Friday and Saturday Nights. Cliff told me about the play and the reviews in some emails and I pulled the reviews from the internet, and they are still there on the Grande Prairie paper web site. Dave

Idea submitted and congratulations to Director Cliff Mitchell 5 (Isaac 3, Samuel 2)

Congratulations! Tiffany, Ben, Sandi, Greg, Mark, Chris, Cliff & Bretton.

Mitchell on the Move, Seeks Your Assistance

Hi There Mitchells!

I have a few reasons for writing this, although I do want to say to everyone, even though I’ve personally met very few of you. I’m currently at the University of Waterloo studying Kinesiology. The nature of my degree requires that I do a certain number of co-op work terms. So to make things more interesting I’ve decided I’m going to drive to Vancouver and try and find a suitable job there. (Ed. at press time Greg was as far as Winnipeg).

So my request (s) are to those residents of Vancouver. I’m currently looking for cheap accommodation between May and December and am quickly learning that it doesn’t exist. If anyone has anything remotely available or info on connections to anyone who does I would really appreciate it. I’m very easy to get along with and would be more than willing to help out around that house.

Finally, if anyone has any connections for jobs I would appreciate the hand. I’m looking for full time work I can count as a work term. I’m interested in rehabilitation, specifically from head injuries but I’m qualified and interested in working in a physiotherapy clinic, doing assessments or consulting, or occupational ergonomics in industry. In terms of the nature of the health care system and the lack of funds available for hiring students I am entertaining the possibility of volunteering in a clinic. I’d volunteer in the mornings and work in the afternoons, evenings and weekends to support myself bartending, serving or whatever I can find.

Any help with connections to jobs in my field or elsewhere as well as a roof to live under would be greatly appreciated. You can get a hold of me at or call Greg at 604 731 5224 (after May 1st he is on the road until then). Thanks and maybe I’ll see some of you this summer.

Greg Mahood7 (William Noble 3 Samuel 2)




Calling All Kids

This is your newsletter, too.

Write to us, or send us an e-mail. Tell us your thoughts about family, describe your family or any hobbies or sports that you may be involved in. Tell us about any favourite traditions your family has.

Or interview a relative - let them tell you what it was like in 'their' day -then you can pass it on to us. The next newsletter is in September - but it's never too early to start!


Genealogy Web Link of the Month – U.S. Mitchell Site This is a link to a book that is online, the Mitchell Family History by J. Montgomery Seaver, U.S. to 1916. Mitchell was one of the 49 most prominent families of the time, and is currently the 41st most used last name in U.S.

Reunion 2001 Part 2

More Picnic

Family, Fun, Food


In the last edition we had some of the pictures of the family picnic, here are some more from other contributors.

Photos by Adele Priestley


Arlie Purser Beryl Williams Eileen MacMillan at table Lorrie & Greg Scott in behind




Bill Priestley, Bev Butler, Fred Kisil

Shirley Balding & Sandi Croft (Also in NEWS)

Piņata Pandemonium 2001 or Run Sue Run


Day and Ethan enjoying the food (above)

Sean, Bill Priestley, Suzanne, Tim Priestley, & Glenn Balding enjoying the day together (at left)


The silent auction proved a great way to bring back some of that wonderful one of a kind Mitchell stuff that you bought in previous auctions and donate it to the cause and see what others will pay for it now! There were many return items on the auction block including cards, the needlepoint, and a bottle of Ross Mitchell paint thinner, I mean excellent vintage wine (I know it was excellent in 1995 when I had some of the original vintage, not sure how it was in 2001). All of these return items fetched some of the top dollars and were some of the highest bid for items of the night. So for next time reunion, don’t forget to bring back some of those things you won in prior years, they proved very popular! Ed.

Silent Auction - Why I Love It

My favourite part of the reunions besides the entertainment is the silent auction. Talk about fun, this is the best! It appeals to the basest aspects of human nature, greed, skullduggery, trickery, deceit, and even bribery, all in the name of giving to charity (the Mitchell's charity that is).

This year I was bidding on a beautiful piece of pottery. Trouble is so were other people, especially a very persistent bidder, my nephew, Mark Scott. He even resorted to trickery (ha) by putting down the name Day Scott, his five yr.old daughter's name at times (probably thinking I wouldn't outbid my grandniece). We were seated at tables next to one

another during dinner and in order not to pass by Mark while I was going up to put another bid down I would go out one door of the dining room and come in another by the silent auction tables thus resorting to deceit. My greedy self wanted that piece of pottery and in the end I got it!

Don Smith was bidding against me on several items and especially on a beautiful Mitchell reunion needlepoint. He really gave me a run for my money (literally)!! Every time I saw him get up from his table during dinner I went and checked and sure enough he had outbid me on several items. This part I had forgotten ....he recently reminded me that we made an agreement (thus bribery) that I wouldn't outbid him on the needlepoint, if he left the pottery alone!!! It worked, for he got the needlepoint and I got the pottery (see pictures).

We got other items as well, my husband Bill, thinks it is fun to go around and put his name on every sheet in the beginning. Then he says, during the evening, "I'm winning on this and winning on that" and I'm thinking he won't feel like he's winning when he has to write the cheque!!!

We have gotten wonderful items over the years. At the Ottawa reunion, we got a beautiful set of note cards hand-made by Pam Mitchell with pressed flowers from the original Mitchell homestead. We also got a terrific stool made by Brian MacMillan from the last butternut tree on the homestead. Because they are made from materials from the Mitchell homestead, they are truly treasures in our home. I have framed the note cards. Another item was a wooden rooster and to this day my sister Dixie insists my husband Bill stole it from her (all in fun mind you), so I guess robbery comes into the picture too. In Vernon we got an old fashioned doll made over a large pop bottle and a gigantic Christmas wreath. But the best part is not what we get but the fun we have getting it!!!!

P.S. Just a suggestion for the 2004 reunion in Brandon, if there is a silent auction, I hope the minimum increase on the bid is at least .50 or $1.00 (preferably $1.00) for the .01 increase is too much work for us old folks (all that running up to the tables and all).

Submitted by Adele Priestley 6

(Henry 3, William 2)

The Case of the Disappearing Kiwi Wine

I just read the Mitchell Newsletter and saw the request for information on the items that were auctioned off at the Reunion. Do you have ESP? Is this an embarrassing story or what?

David and Susan Sargent purchased the bottle of kiwi wine (Editors Note Friend of ours made it from kiwis we grow, one of only 20 bottles that year so we wanted it, probably to give it away again!) from the auction in July 2001. They had to bid long and hard, but they eventually were the happy owners of the wine. Being they were dropping a relative off in the United States on the way home, we offered to take the wine home for them, thus avoiding any problems with customs at both borders.

Several months later, Joe and Kathy were taking a week vacation on their sailboat, which included Thanksgiving weekend. They were invited to their friends’ home for Thanksgiving dinner, and Joe packed a bottle of wine for the occasion. Kathy offered to open the bottle of wine that Joe had brought. As she put the corkscrew into the cork she casually asked Joe where this unlabelled wine came from. Joe replied from home. Kathy is suspicious and asks Joe if this is the Kiwi wine belonging to them. After a sample it was discovered that it was in fact the kiwi wine! Editors Note: Joe & Kathy were so terrific about it that they brought this story, a great bottle of wine and a bag of kiwis to replace our lost auction prize, a far better deal!

Joe & Kathy6 Skipsey

(Henry 3 William 2)


Show Me the Money Or Tell US About The Money!


The silent auction gained us $668.06, the 50/50 draw $150.00. These are wonderful money makers for the family and we were able to keep our registration costs as low as possible anticipating that the family would support these endeavours.

Sue and George Mitchell 6

(Alexander 3 Samuel 2)


Don Smith wins the Mitchell Reunion Needlepoint

Another very popular item was the backpack and beer, it drew a large and diverse crowd and some were teenagers, sure they were bidding for their parents. I understand Kelly Giles and Jim Butler were among many donors to the Mitchell cause on that item.

The Dinner and the Entertainers

(Above) Brenda Daudlin, Tim Priestley, & Sean enjoying the Talent Show and Dinner

(Right) Shirley Balding, Lorrie Scott, Adele Priestley, Beryl Williams & Dixie Mitchell aka The Fabulous Mitchell Five, now touring Canada!


(Above) Todd Priestley performing " The Shooting of Dan MaGrew"

(Right) Kelly Giles performing a medley of Poetry in the talent show


(At left) Bill Priestley, Edith Anderson, Todd Priestley, Tim Priestley & Jack Scott in the Sing a Long after the dinner and the talent show.

Sunday Breakfast and Stories on the Way Home

Dixie Mitchell, Fred Kisil, Linda Giles, Kelly Giles, Michelle Morgan at the "Morning After" Breakfast.

The Bumpy Road Home

My departure from Vancouver was not without its worries AND giggles. There was a group of us leaving the hotel in a couple of cars - some going to Vancouver Island to continue their holiday and me on my way to Alberta to spend some time with my sister. After a stop at Kitty and Nick’s for lunch and a great visit we all piled into our respective vehicles to head for the ferry and the airport only to find that my suitcases had been left behind — on the steps of the hotel — in the pouring rain — 3 hours earlier!

All afternoon I had a nagging feeling that something was missing but every time I asked "where are my cases", Nick would say "well, I don’t have them", then George would say "well, I don’t have them" and all afternoon I thought they were just pulling my leg. NOT SO!!! After a flying trip back to the Tsawassen Inn and retrieving my cases - not to mention wiping a few sweaty brows (and not just mine!) - and a lot of laughs - we were all on our way again - and all departed safely. Pam Mitchell (Nepean)


Our Trip Home via Seattle– May Have Passed Through the Twilight Zone

It started before dawn in a driving rainstorm, hoping to beat the border and customs rush. As the weather improved, we decide to take the back roads to see the countryside of Washington State. Not disappointed we stop at the popular rural diner (McDonalds), only thing open for miles. Five minutes out of town the window gets stuck, it starts to rain, the wipers and radio stop working; we go from 90 kilometres to no power. Dial up the U.S. phone number on the Road Service Card. Cell phones won’t dial that number! Close enough to the border we try to reach a Vancouver number who connects us to the Seattle AAA. We know it’s a Sunday, but we are surrounded by millions of people, yet the nearest tow truck and cab are 40 minutes away (longer!), but we are only five minutes out of the last town!

Tow truck driver gives us directions to a rural area where the car will be. We called Aunt Marlene who lives almost in Idaho, who calls now our friend Rich, who lives just 15 miles away, who picks us up at the McDonalds we had breakfast at. Next, Rich helps find our car, even the locals had not heard of the roads the tow truck driver gave us. After an hour we go down a road that just kind of came out of nowhere and went nowhere. The only business for miles around, houses but no people, no traffic, just us, and our car in the lot. We put a note through the door and the door swings open. No sign of life, the place has state of the art machines, computer billing, and top of the line equipment, no people! Out of the back pops the owner, he was waiting for a friend and left the door open. Our good luck he knows how stuck we are (2 day car rental @ $100 US/day+), while he waits for his friend, he will look at the car, diagnoses alternator. He will fix it now if we pick up the parts. Rich goes to the parts store, next to the McDonalds! As we pull away you expect the shop to just fold away into the pasture around it, it just didn’t belong there, but we were glad it was there that day (Rich and Marlene too!). Dave Sargent

Your Ideas and Submissions Please!

To build towards a successful reunion in 2004

To get more readers

To increase use of the net to keep costs down

To increase submissions and contributions from all ages groups

To build and expand ways to improve interaction between reunions, like the monument project, possibly a chat group or bulletin board.

To ensure the stories of family members are captured, that the newer generations are exposed to the story tellers, perhaps tape record some of the stories that could then be converted to mpegs and posted on the web site.

To encourage contributions like pictures of the old homesteads, monuments, including past and present, video where possible.

What is your favourite past contributions that we could develop into special editions or family stories?


Lost Cousins (returned mail from last newsletter, Please contact us if you know where they can be reached or contact them and tell them they are lost!):

BLAIR, Nat & Irene 5715 Goldenrod Crescent Delta BC

PERRY, Margo & Paul 475 Mansfield Street Fredericton N.B.


Newsletter Subscriptions

Please don't forget - we need for postage and printing OR send us your e-mail address at and it can be sent to you free of charge.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: $5.00 per year (multiple years or donations accepted with pleasure!)

CHEQUES PAYABLE in Canadian Funds TO: Mitchell Family Newsletter or send CASH from U.S. (bank processing fees are huge) c/o Pam Mitchell - address on the front page.

SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2002 are paid if you have a Green Shamrock on the front page of this issue.


T Shirts, Decals, & Pins

T-shirts left from Reunion 1998 $12 plus $2 for mailing.

We have decals (for your car window, bumper, bag, binder, etc.) with the family crest (pictured at right). $2.00 each. Mitchell family pin is a lapel pin, 3/4" in diameter. The pins sell for $5.00 each (which includes postage).

Contact Pam and Ken Mitchell

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