Mitchell Family Newsletter

"Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." Proverbs 22:28

Vol. 24          ISSN 1185-6211          No. 1

Spring 2003

Editorial Crew for this Edition: David & John Sargent, Pam Mitchell, Grant Ackney

Article contributors for this Edition: Thank You All!

Mabel & Ross Mitchell (Man)

Mona Green (Man)

Doreen Andrews (Man)

Jenny Coutanche (Ont)

Pam & Ken Mitchell (Ont.)

Grant Ackney (BC)

Ann Mitchell (Man)

Eileen MacMillan (Ont)

Ruby Mitchell (Michigan)

Ken Watson(BC)

Gail Kilbank (Alta)

Sharon Swan (Mass)

Kathy Mennie (Man)

The Higgins (Alta)

Contents Summary:

Pam’s & Grant’s & Dave’s Messages

Important Projects that need your help

Calling All Kids

Stan Mitchell 6th Memorial Golf Tournament

Anniversaries, Weddings,

New Mitchells, Birthdays, Welcome Aboard

Cousins in the News

Article: A Present for your Descendents

Reunion 2004 – Details & Contacts

Ross & Mabel Mitchell

Where to Stay

About Riding National Park


Alexander 3 and Elizabeth Mitchell

& Family!

Cottage Life – Get Ready for 2003

Contact us:

Newsletter items, ideas, submissions and comment

Dave Sargent

4019 Hessington Place

Victoria BC V8N 5C5


Phone (250) 721-2430

Subscription Fee, Mitchell Memorial,

Family Tree, Merchandise, Treasurer,Family Guru and Authority!

Pam (Jones) Mitchell

174 Oakridge Blvd.

Nepean ON K2G 2V2


Phone (613) 225-1435

Fax: (613) 225-0130

Webmaster, Email list

Change email address

Grant Ackney

Box 563

Nelson BC V1L 5R3



  SUBMISSIONS: by September 30, 2003

Dave ‘s Message (Victoria, B.c.)

The REUNION NOTICE IS HERE and we are 10 pages larger than last time thanks to a cross-country conspiracy of several people and two large Mabel Mitchell projects. The largest an update to the 1982 work on Douglas Manitoba and the life of Alexander3 and Elizabeth Mitchell as contributed by Ann Mitchell: Mabel Mitchell, Mona Green, Doreen Andrews, Grant Ackney, Ken Watson, Gail Kilbank, Sharon Swan, and Kathy Mennie took a lot of work by Mabel, the group and us here.  An excellent work that gives you an idea of why Brandon is so important to our Family as a place for a reunion, and the importance our family to this day plays in the life and times of Brandon and surrounding areas.  There were more surprises including how many cousins were in so many backyards around North America and we never knew it. The second project, the Reunion Notice Message for the September Newsletter, Mabel had sent one (I often get these other D Sargent’s email and it seems one of them got my mail and did not forward or return it, as I always do for them).  We have the info now!


To all Newsletter Contributors: Please note that there are several people with the email dsargent (do not ask me how or why, there just is!). There are also viruses out there, that have cute disguises with names like, here is the information you asked for, when I had not asked for anything! Please put Mitchell newsletter in the subject line somewhere. One of the worst sources of viruses is the English genealogy bulletin board, so just the name Mitchell probably will not get opened either.   

If you send me an email and I do not reply, do not assume that we received it. Please follow up with an email asking if I got it, we should not have to do this, but there are rotters out there. On to the important stuff!

 Also, please email or send a disk if possible. John and I spent a lot of time re-keying a lot of text this time out, much of it had been typed somewhere else before, but it made for interesting reading! Ok if you cannot; do not let that stop you from submitting, but if you can it speeds up the process.



 The Mitchell's of Manitoba

History in advance of the 2004 reunion to be held in Brandon, Manitoba. We would like stories and pictures or people, places, things to do for all ages. In this issue, we have two great stories from Manitoba. Copies of video also welcome and we have editing equipment and can combine the tapes. Contact Dave or any of us with ideas or materials.




Your Pictures and Stories

about family members preserving history, family adventures, family or individual accomplishments or milestones. For example, children write projects about parents and grandparents or family history, some of you paint, some of you take pictures, some of you write poetry, some of you are researching family history and genealogy, let’s hear from you all.



Message from Grant - Internet News -  (Nelson, B.C.)    

Just a thank you and a reminder that if you have any family that's not on the News Letter list yet make sure you tell them to get connected, it's simple. Just get them to send their email address to us at and we will send them the Website Address.  Just had to put another plug in for the Web Site - Hope to hear from you all soon.

 Grant Ackney6 (Alexander3, William2) 


Pam’s Message – (Nepean, Ontario)

Happy Easter everyone!  By the time this newsletter is out it will be past Easter but it is always such a nice time of year - especially after the long cold winter we have had.  Actually, today it is really cold but we are hoping that the long weekend will bring us a bit of warmth.  This past week our temperature dipped 34 degrees in a 24 hour period – that’s a lot even for us Easterners! 

We are hoping everyone will be planning a trip to Reunion 2004 - it is fast approaching and I am sure the committee in the Brandon area will have lots on their plates over the next year.  From the little tidbits that I have heard it sounds like a really exciting weekend.  We hope to be among the contingent of cousins descending on Clear Lake Riding Mountain National Park. 

We also hope some of you who might be travelling east this summer will take in our Stan Mitchell Memorial Golf Tournament.  See information about it elsewhere in this issue - but, just get in touch with us and we will fill you in.  Always love to have more Mitchell’s entered.

 Not too much to report from Ontario - as I said it has been a very strange winter - lots of snow, no snow, then lots more snow, cold, warm, then cold again - it was interesting.  Now, we are battling the SARS virus - so far no cases in Ottawa but Toronto has had a very tough time.  Hospitals and clinics all over the province, and elsewhere I am sure, are being very vigilant and everyone is checked whenever they enter any of our hospitals and nursing homes.  Visitors are extremely limited, if allowed at all.  Hopefully they will get it under control before it spreads further afield but it is a very scary time.  Lots of events have had to be cancelled and I am sitting on pins and needles wondering if a big conference I am organizing in May will, in fact, be cancelled.  Lots of work ahead in doing the final details but even more ahead if it needs to be cancelled.

 Ken is busy training with our young collie, Storm, for both conformation and obedience shows this spring and summer.  This fella is so different from the other collies we have had - all females I might add - so I am convinced that it is a “boy” thing.  He is a barrel of fun and just loves to humiliate Ken in the competition ring – we’ll just see who is the winner in the end!

 That's it for this issue!

Lots of Love to Everyone

Pam (Jones) Mitchell

Ken6, William Noble3, Samuel2 

Nepean, Ontario


Thank you to Glen Mitchell 5 (Alexander 3,William 2) of Hope, B.C. for his most generous donation to the newsletter.  My thank you note to Glen was returned - does anyone have his new address? Pam6 (Jones) Mitchell, William Noble3, Samuel2 


Newsletter Subscriptions   Please do not forget - we need for postage and printing OR send us your e-mail address at and it can be sent to you free of charge.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: $5.00 per year (multiple years or donations accepted with pleasure!)   

CHEQUES PAYABLE in Canadian Funds TO: Mitchell Family Newsletter or send CASH from U.S. (bank processing fees are huge) c/o Pam Mitchell - address on the front page.  SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2003 are paid if you have a Green Shamrock on the front page of this issue.


Caveat Emptor – Buyer and Poster BewareThe newsletter is on the Internet, even if it were not, every family has the odd scoundrel. When asking for help, or offering a service be extra careful who you offer a service to, or accept something from. OR if approached by someone claiming to be a relative (a very popular scam using the phone books, they see the same last name and claim to be a cousin or nephew, nothing to stop them using the internet too). Check and re-check, ask questions, do not be afraid to find out whom you are dealing with, be comfortable, say no, and never offer money.   Enjoy your company and your travels, and tell us about it!



The Mitchell family tree is an ongoing and never-ending project. Please keep us posted of births, deaths, marriages, etc. so we can keep it as up-to-date as possible.  We are also compiling an archive of old family pictures, copies of documents, etc.  If you have anything you'd like to share with us along this line we'd be pleased to hear from you.  At the same time, we are looking for up-to-date pictures for the "Family Scrapbook".  Please send us your family snapshot. Contact Pam (address on page 1).


Mitchell Memorial Restoration Project 

The Mitchell Memorial Restoration Fund is used for the upkeep of the old pioneer cemetery in the Gatineau Hills of Quebec.  Anyone wishing to donate to this project may do so by making a cheque payable to Mitchell Memorial Restoration Fund and sending it to Pam for deposit in the fund.  Many thanks for your continuing support. Contact Pam (address on page 1).


Health Web Link of the Month   Improving Chronic Illness Care web link provides many resources for families: 

SARS Information:;;



Be emergency prepared (minimum):



Genealogy Web Link of the Month  - The Article Gift for your Descendents is derived from a document written by Michael John Neill, the Course I Coordinator at the Genealogical Institute of Mid America (GIMA) held annually in Springfield, Illinois. He conducts seminars and lectures on a wide variety of genealogical and computer topics and contributes to several genealogical publications, including Ancestry Magazine and Genealogical Computing. You can e-mail him at or visit his Web site.

This article is from the Ancestry Daily News and is (c) MyFamily.Com.  It is re-published here with the permission of the author. Information about the Ancestry Daily News is available at


Calling All Kids


This is your newsletter, too. Write to us, or send us an e-mail. Describe your family or any hobbies or sports that you may be involved in. Tell us about any favourite traditions your family has.


Or interview a relative - let them tell you what it was like in 'their' day -then you can pass it on to us. There is a newsletter every six months- but it is never too early to start!


bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)    Remembrance    bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)

Ernest Andrews 5 (Alexander 3, William 2

 Ernest Albert Andrews, beloved husband of Alice and eldest son of the late Albert and Abigail Andrews, was born on their farm near Douglas in R.M. of Elton, September 8, 1914.

 Ern passed away October 15, 2002 at the Assiniboine Centre, Brandon.  In February 2001, he lost a limb to Diabetes and became an invalid until his death. 

 He attended Campbell School with his sisters and brother. His passion throughout his life was reading and he retained everything he read.  He also enjoyed stamp collecting and loved to go fishing.  As a boy, he and two friends decided to be cowboys and hopped a coal tender on a passenger train and ran away from home.  Their adventure was cut short in Moose Jaw when his friend took sick. He went on a harvesting excursion to Albert, but excessive rain drove him home. In 1937, he spent the summer in West Summerland British Columbia working in his Aunt’s cannery. But primarily, he was a farmer working with his father and brother on the home farm and land he bought and rented.

 On June 30, 1953, he married Alice Patricia Chisholm, daughter of Duncan and Irene Chisholm of La Fleche, Saskatchewan and later Fir Mountain, Saskatchewan. Alice was an R.N. graduate from the Brandon General Hospital School of Nursing. Alice and Ern didn’t have any children, so were free to travel.  They visited California, Mexico, Trinidad, and Tobago, Guyana, South America, Barbados, The Bahamas, Japan, Hong Kong as well as twelve trips to the Hawaiian islands. 

 In 1956, he joined a Masonic Lodge, Tweed #113. He received the third degree, March 16,1956 In 1958, he joined Brandon Lodge of Perfection Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, receiving the fourteenth degree May 7, 1959.  He was thrice Puisant Grand Master, 1966-67. He received the eighteenth degree march 17,1960 and the thirty-second degree March 23,1962. He joined Khartum Temple, the Shrine in Winnipeg on November 8, 1962. He later served on the member of The Brandon and District Shrine Club and later on, served as Director, as well as a member of the Oriental Band.  Ern served thirteen years as secretary of the Scottish Rite Lodges in Brandon. In 1962 he received a Life Membership in Tweed Lodge and started as an Officer in Tweed Lodge. Ernest served as a steward on the board on Central United Church. He was a member of Brandon United Credit Union for ten years and president for five years.

 In 1986 he suffered a sever heart attack but recovered well. He was a member of the Shilo Golf & Country Club for twenty years and later a member of Glen Lea Golf and Country Club.  He also enjoyed curling in the Master’s League at the Brandon Curling Club.

 Ern will be sadly missed by his wife Alice of 49 years; his sister Grace Ackney of Castlegar British Columbia; sister Lois Reid and husband Les of Brandon and brother Laurence (Bud) Andrews and wife Doreen, also of Brandon. Also left to mourn are brother-in-law Melvin Chisholm (Eileen) of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Calvin Chisholm of Edmonton Alberta and sister-in-law Betty Chisholm of Edmonton Alberta. 

Ern will always be remembered with the utmost love and respect by his many nieces and nephews who were a big part of his life in their growing up years.  He loved them all dearly.

Many cousins are left to mourn as. Ern was predeceased by his parents, Albert and Abbie Andrews; father and mother-in-law Duncan and Irene Chisholm; sister Ruth Watson; brother-in-law Milton Jacks, Lloyd Ackney, Hillard Watson; Donald Chisholm and Allister Chisholm; sister-in-law Margaret McCunn and Vera Chisholm and nephews Douglas Jacks and Devar Chisholm. Cremation has taken place.  In keeping with his wishes, there was no service.

Donation in memory of Ernest may be made to the:

Canadian Diabetes Association,

727B-10th Street, Brandon,

Manitoba R7A 4G7.

 Arrangements were in care of Brockie Donovan

 Messages of condolence may be placed at:



bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)  Remembrance  bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)

 Lois (Andrews) Reid 5 (Alexander 3, William 2

 On November 9, 2002, Mom passed away in the same way that she lived life, with quiet strength and dignity; she slept away, as her family lovingly surrounded her. 

Lois shared her entry into this life with her very special twin brother Laurence whom she nick named “Bud”, as she couldn’t pronounce Laurence, and it stuck. Lois was born an hour after “Bud” on June 8, 1921 on the home farm at Douglas, Manitoba, daughter of Albert and Abbie Andrews.

 She attended Campbell School and enjoyed sports and piano lessons. In 1939, she moved to Brandon and worked at Thelma’s Coffee Shop. I was there that she met her first love.  Milton Jacks, and they were married September 29, 1941.  They spent the war years in Victoria, British Columbia.  After the war, they lived in Landseer, Justice, Brandon, Saskatoon, Winnipeg and then back to Brandon. Mom would speak about happy times, especially of many wonderful memories in Justice. Together she and Milt learned a new sport called curling and enjoyed many years taking part in bonspiels in and around Brandon. Her life change when she lost Milt to a heart attack in 1964 and then her son Doug in a shooting accident in 1968.  But through it all, she remained the rock that supported us. 

In the 60’s she worked at the switchboard at the Brandon General Hospital and later at Brandon University as a receptionist.

Lois met and married her second husband. Les Reid in 1970 and they would have celebrated their 32nd Anniversary on November 14, 2002.  They had many happy years together and had just sold their home and were enjoying their new life in Hobbs Manor.  It was always a wonderful feeling to enter Mom, Gramma, or Auntie Lo’s home.  She would usually have a hot cup of tea, a slice of warm coffeecake, a shoulder to cry on or that wonderful laugh that everyone remembers. She was always there for anyone who needed her. 

Lois is survived by her loving husband Les; daughter Carol (Jorge) Toledo of Chili, son Barry (Carol) Jacks of Calgary; daughter Kathy (Rick) Mennie of Brandon; her grandchildren, Whitnee and Courtnee Chun, Sherry and Shawn (Julie) Jacks and Jenna and Josh Mennie; and her four great grandchildren Alyssa, Ashley, Stephanie and Charlize.  She is also survived by her stepdaughter Karen (Gord) Fletcher; step grandchildren Clayton and Richard; sister Grace Ackney; brother Bud (Doreen) Andrews; sisters-in-law Alice Andrews and Yvonne Millar; brothers-in-law Quinton Jacks, Don (Dorothy) Jacks, Keith(Barb) Reid.

Mom is also survived by many nieces, nephews and cousins all of whom played an important role in her life.  She was predeceased by her husband Milton; son, Doug; parents, Albert and Abbie Andrews; father and mother-in-law Doug and Mary Jacks; sister, Ruth Watson; brother Ernest Andrews; brother-in-law, Lloyd Ackney, Hilliard Watson; and sister-in-law Marion Jacks. 

The funeral Ceremony was held at Memories Chapel on Thursday November 14,2002 at 11:00a.m. Mona Franklin officiated. The pallbearers were: Josh Mennie, Shawn Jacks, Neil Andrews, Darryl Andrews, Ken Watson and Al Jacks.  Interment followed in the Brandon Cemetery. 

Donations in memory of Lois may be made to the:

Canadian Cancer Society Manitoba Division,

193 Sherbrook Street,

Winnipeg MB R3C 2B7


Arrangements were with Memories Chapel & Pre Planning Centre 

An angel is what she was meant to be,

Now just think of all she can see.

Looking over her family night and day,

Saying I love you in her own special way.

In the night we sleep, in the day we cry.

She watches us all from her star in the sky.



6th Annual


             The 6th Annual Stan Mitchell Memorial Golf Tournament will be taking place on Wednesday, July 9th, 2003 at the Pontiac Golf Club in East Aldfield, QC.  The field is limited to 72 for golf and an additional 8 or 10 for dinner.  Lots of prizes to be had.  The field is made up of family, friends and as many of Dad's golfing buddies from "The Duffers" as can make it.  We are always looking for donations of prizes so if you can help out we would really appreciate it.  Stan's children, Donna and Ken, and their families provide all the main prizes.  Any proceeds from the tournament will be added to the fund started to furnish a room at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital in Nepean, Ontario.  We don't have a final fee as yet - we are still waiting for the golf club to open this spring to find that out - but I am sure it won't be much different from last year's fees of $35.00.  If you can play in the tournament, please get in touch and we will be able to give you the final cost.  Please note also that if you would like to make up your own foursome or play with someone in particular, submit everyone in your group at the same time along with the registration fees and we will do our very best to put you together.  All others will be randomly matched up into foursomes.  No changes will be made on the day of the tournament.  We do hope you will be able to join us for a great day of golf in the Gatineau Hills.  Please let us know by June 1st if you will be able to play in the tournament.  Space will be available on a first-come-first-served basis.  We look forward to hearing from you soon.  Send your registration fees and/or donations of prizes or memorials to:


Kenneth H.R.6, William Noble3, Samuel2

174 Oakridge Blvd. Nepean, ON, K2G 2V2

Tel.: (613) 225-1435     Fax: (613) 225-0130     E-Mail:






Happy Anniversary


Ruth6 (MacMillan) Armour and David Armour of Toronto have celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on August 20th 2002.


Congratulations Ruth and David


Thank You to mom Eileen5 Mitchell MacMillan (William Noble3 Samuel2) of Nepean, Ontario for this submission.





Happy Anniversary


Eldon 5 and Ruby (Anderson) Mitchell of Sterling Heights Michigan have celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on April 4th 2003.


Congratulations Eldon and Ruby


Thank You to Ruby Mitchell (William Noble3 Samuel2)

of Sterling Heights Michigan for this submission.




Gary6 Edward MacMillan and Beverly Creighton were married on March 08, 2002 at Ottawa Ontario.


Congratulations Gary and Beverly


Thank You to mom Eileen5 Mitchell MacMillan

(William Noble3 Samuel2) for this submission.




 Kim Hassan7 (William3, William2) was married on October 26, 2002 to Ilona.  Kim is son of Asif and Donna Lynne6 (Anderson) Hassan of Oakville, ON.


Congratulations Kim and Ilona



New Mitchells

 George6 and Sue (Massick) Mitchell (Alexander3, Samuel2) of Qualicum Beach, BC are grandparents.  George's daughter Julie7 had a baby girl on September 5, 2002.  They have called her Summer.




New Mitchells


Jason Alexander8 born on August 7, 2002 at Ottawa Ontario, a son for Roni and Christine (Creighton7) Falcone, and grandparents Gary6 and Bev MacMillan.


Thank You Eileen5 Mitchell MacMillan (William Noble3 Samuel2) for this submission.




New Mitchells

Drew Isaac Higgins born July 24, 2002 in Medicine Hat, Alberta. Parents Tyler and Donna Higgins, and sisters: Laura, Lisa, Thea.



New Mitchells 

We had a baby this past summer.  Her name is Sarah Jacqueline Coutanche8 (Mary Ann 3, William 2) and she was born on July 2, 2002 to Jennie (Kurtz) Coutanche7 and Michael Coutanche.  Her big brother, Bretton8 is thrilled! 

Grandparents Tom6 and Judy Kurtz and great-grandmother, Helen Kurtz5 (Mary Ann 3, William 2) who is 97! are proud as can be. 


The attached photo is of Jennie, Mike, Brett and Sarah at the family cottage on the French River, Ontario at Thanksgiving2002.



 Cousins in the News

 James 6 youngest son of Eldon and Ruby Mitchell had his first book published. It is about the workings of a small town. He was the Editor of the newspaper where he wrote this book.

Thank you to Ruby Mitchell (William Noble3 Samuel2) of Sterling Heights Michigan

 Ron McClelland6 (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Garcherville, Nevada, wrote telling us about Glenda's work in a church bell choir.  They are known as the Sierra Ringers and play for many church and social events around home.  Ron says she really enjoys being a "ding-a-ling"!  Way to go Glenda - some more talent for the Mitchell reunion!

 Katie Mitchell7 daughter of John6 and Janice Mitchell, granddaughter of Eldon and Ruby has been chosen to be in the youth Orchestra and will travel for three weeks through Northern Europe. Katie plays the French horn and is a most gifted musician. 

Thank you to Ruby Mitchell (William Noble3 Samuel2) of Sterling Heights Michigan





Want to learn more about the Double Cousins?  Then Read ON!  First the REUNION Information, then the Story of Alexander and Elizabeth, and then about the Descendents, including how the Double Cousins came to be, among many other fascinating stories!  


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