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Mitchell Family Newsletter

"Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." Proverbs 22:28

March 2000

Vol. 21         ISSN 1185-6211          No. 1

Newsletter Editors:

Eileen (Mitchell) MacMillan5 (William Noble3, Samuel2), 490 Viewmount Drive, Ste.205, Nepean, Ontario, K2E 8A8  Tel.: (613) 225-2979
Karyn (Andrews) Kondro6 (Alexander3, William2), Box 10, Site 1, R.R. #2, St. Albert,  Alberta, T8N 1M9   Tel.: (403) 973-5508   Email 
Grant Ackney6 (Alexander3, William2), Box 563, Nelson, British Columbia,  V1L 5R3                         Tel:(250)352-9990 Fax:(250)352-9950 E-mail
Debbie (Lawson) Mitchell (Daniel6, William Noble3, Samuel2), 2082 Blue Ridge Cr., Pickering, ON, L1X 2N3   Tel.: (905) 619-8019
Pam (Jones) Mitchell (Kenneth H.R.6, William Noble3, Samuel2), 174 Oakridge Blvd., Nepean,          Ontario, K2G 2V2  Tel.: (613) 225-1435/Fax: (613) 225-0130/E-mail:


Happy New Millenium!!! It really is amazing - a whole new century! So much progress was made in the last century - in science, medicine, space, finance, and technology - all affecting our day-to-day lives. What can and probably will happen in this new century really boggles the old mind.

We do hope everyone has had a good winter - I was just reading what I wrote last March and we were in the throes of a huge snowstorm. This year my tulips are beginning to show through the soil and there is hardly a speck of snow on the ground. Spring Break is next week and we can usually bank on a big "dump" of snow during that time so we are not out of the woods yet, but it sure looks promising. No doubt we will pay for this gorgeous weather in the summer with the lack of moisture in the ground, but when we look at the devastation in other parts of our world we can consider ourselves extremely lucky.

I have a couple of very IMPORTANT notes to make about our bank account situation. Just after Christmas I consulted with all the signing authorities on our various bank accounts - the Mitchell Memorial Restoration Fund, the Mitchell Family Reunion account and, of course, the Mitchell Family Newsletter account. It has been great for bookkeeping purposes to have three accounts open but we were getting zapped with service charges and the accounts were only being used occasionally - twice a year for the newsletter unless we were depositing subscriptions; the reunion account is only used a couple of times every three years or so and more regularly every nine years when the reunion is held here (reunions in between set up their own bank accounts for the duration of their reunions); and the restoration fund has only a couple of transactions a year. SO --- in what we hope was "our wisdom" we opted to put all the accounts in one. I have an accounting program on my computer where I keep all three separate but the total matches what is now in one account. The only account open now is the Mitchell Family Newsletter account so if you are sending us a cheque for, say, the cemetery - please just make your cheque payable to Mitchell Family Newsletter and on the memo line mark "cemetery fund". The same will apply for the reunion fund as well - just mark your cheque "reunion". As a result of amalgamating the accounts we are only paying service charges on one account thus keeping more in the account for our Mitchell family causes. If anybody objects to what we have done, please get in contact. I am sure once someone else takes over the newsletter we will have to rethink some of this but in the meantime I hope we have done the right thing. I look forward to your comments.

Pam (Jones) Mitchell

Nepean, Ontario

(Kenneth H.R.6, William Noble3, Samuel2)




Our Mitchell Family Newsletter is available on the Internet **** E-Mail ****. We have started putting the newsletter out via the Internet so that we can reach more relatives with the news. You will be able to receive your letter via E-mail or you can get the Website address so you can view photos and retrieve it from there anytime you wish. We hope to (and have already):

Don’t worry - the regular printed newsletter will still be available. We are just trying to improve on what we have. If you don’t have E-mail now, I am sure you have a family member or a friend who can receive it for you and print it from their computer --- Just think about it--- We’re all excited about this direction for the Newsletter. "It’s a Natural" ... what we would like all subscribers to do is submit your E-mail address that is available to you ... PLUS ... the E-mail addresses for any family members who are not getting the newsletter at this time. We will then be able to send the news to more and more folks. After you receive your first E-mail you can decide for yourself which way you would like to get the Newsletter. It’s easy, just send us an E-mail to this address: and we will put you on the list. Please include your name and what program you use to receive your E-mail with, and in the Subject Title just put "add me". Simple as that! (Hey ... you could even submit some news at the same time!) Do it yourself or get a family member or friend to send it in ... or, if it is easier, just send us a letter with your E-mail address submissions on it. Let’s really get in touch. Sign up today! Let me know what you think and try the News E-mail. If you have any questions send me an E-mail.

Grant Ackney6 (Alexander3, William2), Nelson, BC

Editor’s Comment: The above is a repeat of Grant’s article we wrote in March 1999 - we are thrilled with the response from those who are "on-line" and it certainly cuts down on our printing and postage costs, not to mention the work of collating, stuffing and labeling the envelopes. Grant has done a marvelous job - the graphics he has inserted are great - he has done a much better job than I ever could in the printed format. THANKS GRANT!

Don’t forget - sign up TODAY! 

Hello in the New Millenium!

We have had the most fantastic winter here in the Ottawa Valley. Of course March can bring many surprises and this March is no different. This very week we are going to have snow, rain and more snow, but thankfully it won’t last.

Time races on and this year will see my niece, Donna, reach her 50th and my step granddaughter, Christine, marry. Every month brings new things to look forward to and get excited about, and thankfully my health permits me to embrace it all. How fortunate I am!

My own family is looking forward to meeting in Detroit for a reunion of the Colbert’s, my mother’s family and descendants. There is not nearly as many as the Mitchell's, simply because there were not as many to start with. In 2001 I am planning to attend our next Mitchell reunion in Vancouver, so you see, there’s always something to look forward to.

Of course there are some things that occur that are not happy events. We lost a very dear and beloved brother-in-law recently, Earl Killeen, my late sister Ella’s husband. Some of you will remember him because they and their family were very active with the Mitchell reunions until Ella died in 1994. So many of us lose loved ones every year, and miraculously they are replaced with new little ones, and life goes on. The day of Earl’s funeral we heard the exciting news of the coming event of his first great grandchild. A door closes; a window opens.

The year 2001 holds another major event besides our family reunion: "The Federal Election". Things should prove very interesting with all the things going on and the birth of a new party.

On the home front, I have a strong suspicion that I will not be able to follow what will be interesting to my grandchildren. (I had a hard enough time to keep up with the things that interested my kids!!!)

There is a great deal of new technology that I will never be able to be comfortable with. In five years will I be able to use the telephone as I know it? (Presuming I’m still here.) Will I be allowed to do my banking for myself or will technology move forward so fast I won’t be able to keep up? Will I be able to go to a store and buy for myself the things I want and need? I sure hope so - shopping is my LIFE!!!

When I hear people express their plans to just "live for the day", I think there’s merit in that in some instances, but for myself I always want to look ahead; to plan for tomorrow, next week, or next year with great excitement and anticipation; and trust it will come to pass.

Having said all that I must get my bags down and start packing - I just want to be REALLY ready!

See you in 2001

Love to Every One of You

H. Eileen (Mitchell) MacMillan5

Nepean, Ontario

(William Noble3, Samuel2)

What Does God Look Like? A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they drew. She would occasionally walk around to see each child’s artwork. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I’m drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "but no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."

Submitted by Grant Ackney6 (Alexander3, William2) of Nelson, B.C.

3rd Annual     STAN MITCHELLclover.gif (15751 bytes)


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July 12th 10:00A.M.

After our Mitchell Family Reunion in 1998 and the wonderful golf tournament, organized by John Bond and Donna Mitchell6 (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Mississauga, Ontario, that was held at that time, the West End Duffers (Dad’s golfing group) offered to keep the tournament going as an annual event. They are hosting the tournament again this year, now the "3rd Annual", and we hope as many family members, friends and West End Duffers as possible will be able to play in it. We, as Stan’s family, continue to help with the organization, and hope to do so for many years to come.

The tournament will be taking place Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at the Pontiac Golf Club at East Aldfield, Quebec, which was Dad’s favorite golf course in the area, known for its beauty and down-home hospitality. Tee-off time will be 10:00 a.m. and will be followed by a steak meal. Fees for the golf and the meal will be $25.00. Anyone wishing to donate a prize(s) for this tournament please feel free to do so - any donations would be gratefully received!

We do hope at least some of you will be able to join us for a great day in the Gatineau Hills. Please let us know by June 1st if you will be able to play in the tournament. Before May 15th the tournament is open to family and friends; after that date the tournament will be opened to the West End Duffers and space will only be available on a first-come-first-served basis. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Send your registration fees and/or donations of prizes to:

Ken Mitchell

174 Oakridge Blvd.

Nepean, ON, K2G 2V2

Tel.: (613) 225-1435 Fax: (613) 225-0130 E-Mail:

Memories of

Irene Mary (Wardle) Mitchell

(Cleland5, Henry3, William2)

bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)Irene Mary (Wardle) Mitchell, died peacefully, surrounded by family, at Peach Arch Hospital, White Rock, B.C. on December 24, 1999. Irene was born in Manitoba, March 27, 1910 at home on the farm in the district of Wallace to Wilmot and Mary Wardle. She attended Springvale and Woodnorth Schools. In 1931 she graduated as a Registered Nurse earning the General Proficiency Award, from the Virden District Hospital in Manitoba. Several years were spent teaching pre and post natal care in the Virden and Reston areas. She practiced as a nurse for over 40 years, and enjoyed special duty nursing.

On December 12, 1933 Irene married Cleland Henry Frank Mitchell5 (Henry3, William2) in Kamsack, Saskatchewan. She taught Sunday School at Springvale, was active in the Woodnorth, Manitoba U.C.W., a member of the Woodnorth United Church and in later years First United Church in White Rock, B.C. Irene loved to travel on the many trips Cle planned. They visited Alaska, Eastern Canada, Hawaii, many states in the U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, the Panama Canal and Mexico.In her spare time she enjoyed watching ten pin bowling, curling and baseball on T.V. and took an active part in carpet bowling. She had a keen intellect, an interest in history and the sciences and was a voracious reader. Irene was before her time, for she taught her daughters the importance of being self-sufficient. She is remembered as a "fun" Mom, who laughed until she cried, who let you make pull toffee even if it messed up the kitchen, and who always made Christmas "special".

Left to mourn her passing are daughters, Shirley (Glenn), Lorrie (Jack), Beryl (Lou), Dixie (Fred), Adele (Bill), sixteen grandchildren, twenty-three great grandchildren, sister Myrtle, sister-in-law Gertie, several nieces and nephews and many good friends. Irene was predeceased by her dear husband Cleland, brothers Gordon and Howard and sister Ida. Her strength, tenderness, intelligence and humour taught us all so much and she will be deeply missed.A family graveside service, with a Scottish piper playing in the background, was held at Valley View Memorial Gardens, Surrey, B.C.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

Adele (Mitchell) Priestley6

Maple Ridge, BC

(Henry3, William2)

Engagements and Weddings

Kendra Lynn Peleshok7 (Henry3, William2) and Graham John Abela of Taber, Alberta, were married on February 4, 1999 in Jamaica. Daughter of Ernie and Margo6 (Abey) Peleshok of Brandon, Manitoba.


Congratulations to Otello and Patti5 (Merry) Nocente (Alexander3, William2) of Burnaby, B.C. who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in September 1999.

***   New  Little Cousins

newbutton.gif (26171 bytes)**TWINS** Cheyenne Mary Kathryn Mitchell7 and Faith Suzann Laura Mitchell7 (Alexander3, William2) were born to Gary6 and Andrea (Bucholtz) Mitchell on July 22, 1999 at Grande Prairie, Alberta. Granddaughters for Walter Myland5 and Margaret (Peters) Mitchell of Spirit River, Alberta.

newbutton.gif (26171 bytes)Breanna Lynn Stewart8 (Isabella3, William2) was born to Ian and Jennifer7 (Moore) Stewart on October 6, 1999 at Port Coquitlam, B.C. Granddaughter for Brian6 and Elaine (Holling) Moore of Port Coquitlam, and great granddaughter for Bob and Dorothy5 (Moore) Moore of Abbotsford, B.C.

newbutton.gif (26171 bytes)Bradyn James Robert Bell8 (William3, Jane2) was born to James7 and Kelly Bell in Brantford, Ontario on January 6, 2000. Grandson for George and Myrna6 (Burgess) Bell of Gananoque, Ontario.

bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)In Memoriambibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)

Sympathies to the family of Alice Jeanette (Balderston) Abey (Charles Clifford Abey5, Henry3, William2) who passed away on May 17, 1999 at the age of 88 in Brandon, Manitoba.

Sympathies to Katie (McClelland) Kellington (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Rochester, Minnesota on the passing of her sister-in-law in October, 1999.

Sympathies to the family of Frank McClelland5 (William Noble3, Samuel2) who passed away on November 14, 1999 in Kansas City, Missouri at the age of 89.

Norma.jpg (39772 bytes)Sympathies to the family of Norma Pearl (Pitre) Pigeon6 (Sara3, Samuel2) who passed away suddenly on December 20, 1999 at age 78. She is survived by sister Judith Halm6 of Berlin, Germany, daughters Sharon (Pigeon) Smith7 (Don), Rebecca Darnell7 and son Thomas Pidgeon7; grandchildren Tracy8 and Jason8 Smith and nephew, Christopher Halm7. Sharon writes: "Mother spent her last two years at the Kiwanis Care Centre in North Vancouver, B.C. In the final weeks of her life she had begun to paint again and left a number of Christmas paintings at the Care Centre."



bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)Sympathies to the family of Irene (Wardle) Mitchell (Cleland5, Henry3, William2) who passed away on December 24, 1999 in White Rock, B.C.

Sympathies to Beth (Ellwood) Harmon5 (William3, William2) of Sidney, B.C. on the passing of her husband Lloyd in December 1999 while they were on a cruise to Mexico. Many thanks to Janet (Scobie) Smedley5 (William3, William2) of Deep River, Ontario for her donation to the Mitchell Family Reunion fund in memory of Lloyd. 

Granny and Kids.jpg (29799 bytes)Sympathies to the family of Ethel (Darnell) Lytle5 (Sara3, Samuel2) who passed away on January 1, 2000 at the age of 99 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She was the last of Albert and Abigail4 (Moore) Darnell’s four children. The following picture sent to us by Sharon (Pidgeon) Smith7 of North Vancouver, B.C. shows Abigail (Moore) Darnell4 with her four children. Pictured left to right are: Fred Darnell5, Pearl (Darnell) Joyce5, Abigail (Moore) Darnell4, Ethel (Darnell) Lytle5 and Victor Darnell5. 


Sympathies to the family of Thomas Earl Killeen (Ella5, William Noble3, Samuel2) who passed away in the early morning hours of Tuesday, February 8th, 2000 at the Rideau Veterans Home in Ottawa, where he had been struggling with his health for the last 14 months. Earl was born in Ottawa 84 years earlier - during the hours when the Centre Block of Parliament Hill was in flames. He was married to his beloved Ella Beatrice Mitchell (who predeceased him in November, 1994) for 48 years, having met her so many years ago when she moved in to live with her older brother Fred across from the Killeen family on Raymond Street in Ottawa during the war. By the time Earl returned from overseas, Ella and his younger sister Peggy were fast friends, and the rest is history. Missing them both are their 4 children and their spouses, Sharon Rouatt, Tom and Bill Killeen, and Kathy Bobyn. Ella would have been so delighted to see her first great-grandchild due this June, and they both took great delight and interest in their grandchildren Kelly Howell of Kanata, Ontario and Neil Rouatt of Toronto, Liam Killeen of Toronto, Meghan and Matthew Killeen of Whitby and Katie and Eric Bobyn of Nepean. Earl was a wonderful son-in-law to Ella’s mother, the late Jessie Mitchell, and was always ready to help out the Mitchell clan when needed. Remaining Mitchell in-laws are Ella’s sisters Edith Anderson, Eileen MacMillan and Lois Harris, and brothers Eldon, Bob and Orville.

bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)Sympathies to Roy and Jane6 (Smedley) Thomas (William3, William2) of Nepean, Ontario, on the passing of Roy’s brother, Stephen Thomas, on February 9, 2000 at the age of 48. Funeral services were held at Our Lady of Good Council Church, Deep River, Ontario.

Sympathies to the family of Sharon (Hanson) Cestra7 (William3, Jane2) of Brampton, Ontario who passed away on February 15, 2000 in her 51st year. Cherished mother of Shawn8 and Jeremy8. Dearly loved daughter of Shirley (Burgess) Lodge6 and the late James Hanson. Beloved step-daughter of Ted Lodge.

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Best wishes are sent out to Debbie (Lawson) Mitchell (Dan6, William Noble3, Samuel2) of Pickering, Ontario. Debbie has been in hospital recently. Hope you are feeling better soon Debbie!

Greg Mahood7 (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Mississauga and Nepean, Ontario, celebrated his 21st birthday on March 14, 2000. Congratulations Greg!

Best wishes are sent out to Gertrude (McGill) Mitchell5 (Henry3, William2) as she suffered a stroke in January 2000. Get well soon Gertrude!

Randall Chatwin8 (Henry3, William2) graduates June 1, 2000 from the University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C. He plans to continue his education in the fall. Randall is son of Calvin and Sharon7 (Mitchell) Chatwin of Langley, B.C. and grandson of Orval6 and Evelyn (Sheane) Mitchell of Calgary, Alberta.

Billie-Jim Graham8 (Henry3, William2) graduates from Grade 12 in Fort McMurray, Alberta in May 2000. His future plans are not finalized yet. Billie-Jim is son of Bill and Brenda-Lee7 (Mitchell) Graham of Fort McMurray, Alberta, and grandson of Orval6 and Evelyn (Sheane) Mitchell of Calgary, Alberta.

Special birthday wishes are sent out to Donna Mitchell6 (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Mississauga, Ontario as she celebrates the BIG 5-0 on April 21st, 2000!!! Congratulations Donna!

0224_0198.jpg (11466 bytes)Special happy birthday wishes are sent out to Edna (Sargent) Buhr5 (Henry3, William2) on the celebration of her 81st birthday on February 20, 2000. Edna is pictured here with her two nieces Kathy (Sargent) Skipsey6 (R) of Nanoose Bay, B.C. and Gayle (Sargent) Patterson6 (L) of Nanaimo, B.C. 


George Mitchell6 (Alexander3, Samuel2) has a big year at work - last year Qualicum Beach won the "Communities in Bloom" contest in British Columbia. This year they take on the rest of Canada and he has been chosen to take on the project. To quote George: "Watch Out Ontario!" They will be taking on any community in their population range 5,000-10,000 for the national title. The judges fly in for two days in August to judge their entry. So - watch for THE TOWN OF QUALICUM BEACH! Good luck George!

We missed a WINNER from the 1999 Stan Mitchell Memorial Golf Tournament in the last issue of the newsletter - Ken Mitchell6 (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Nepean, Ontario won the "longest successful putt"! Sorry Ken!

As you know from many past newsletters - Ken and Pam are very interested in the touring group "Up With People" and often mention that if you get a chance to see their show you will enjoy the experience. This is a "heads-up" to all our cousins in British Columbia - Cast B of the company will be touring British Columbia in April, May and June. Their show dates are: April 3-4 Port Alberni; April 5 Tofino; April 10-11 Nanaimo; April 14-15 Victoria; April 18-19 Powell River; April 26 Courtenay/Comox; April 29 Campbell River; May 3 William’s Lake; May 6 Terrace; May 10 Prince George; May 13-14 Fort St. John; May 18 Kelowna; May 24 Salmon Arm; May 26-27 Gibson/Sechelt; May 29 Abbotsford; May 31 Chilliwack; June 3 Kamloops; June 5 Trail; June 7 Nelson; June 9-10 Penticton; June 13-14 Vernon; June 17-18 Cranbrook. Hope some of you get a chance to enjoy their performance - and - one member of the cast, Becky Watchhorn, is from our city of Nepean, Ontario. Say HI to her for us!!!

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The West Coast Mitchell’s are hosting the 2001 Mitchell Family Reunion July 13-15, 2001. We hope you will plan your summer to include the 2001 Mitchell Family Reunion which will be held in the Lower Mainland of beautiful British Columbia. Plans are still being made but details will be available in the September 2000 newsletter - keep tuned!

For those who would like to spend some time either before or after the reunion, please call us for more information or e-mail me at: Thank you.

George Mitchell6 Carol (Mitchell) Malysh6

(Alexander3, Samuel2) (Alexander3, Samuel2)

Qualicum Beach, B.C. Delta, B.C.

Tel.: (250) 752-3982 Tel.: (604) 946-2254


Financial Donations to the Newsletter

We really appreciate donations as well as the many subscriptions we receive. All these funds will help keep the Newsletter going. An issue such as this one, costs approximately $800 to get out to you. If you haven't subscribed in the past, or know of someone who might like to subscribe, please consider doing so. All information pertaining to subscriptions appears on the last page. As always, a GREEN SHAMROCK on the front page of your Newsletter indicates that your subscription is paid up. You can save money by receiving the newsletter by e-mail. See details earlier in this issue. NATURALLY, we can still use your donations!

Acknowledgement is given to the following for their donations to the newsletter fund since the last newsletter:

 Beth (McClelland) Falck5 (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Portal, North Dakota and Mesa, Arizona

 Glen Mitchell5 (Alexander3, William2) of Hope, BC

 Roy and Jane6 (Smedley) Thomas (William3, William2) of Nepean, Ontario


Mitchell Memorial Restoration Project

Mitch19.gif (273366 bytes)The Mitchell Memorial Restoration Fund is used for the upkeep of the old pioneer cemetery in the Gatineau Hills of Quebec. Anyone wishing to donate to this project may do so by making a cheque payable to Mitchell Family Newsletter (clearly marked "Cemetery Fund") and sending it to Pam for deposit in the fund. Many thanks for your continuing support.




Acknowledgement is given to the following for their donation to the cemetery restoration fund since the last issue of the Newsletter:

Lester Mitchell5 (Alexander3, Samuel2) of Powell River, B.C.

Family History

We are trying to compile stories from each branch of the family for use, hopefully, in a future book about our Mitchell Family. How did YOUR family come to settle where they did? Please share with us any stories you might have. We would like to get them written down and compiled. Between Jane2, William2 and Samuel2 who came to Canada in 1840 (the children of William1 and Jane (Stuart) Mitchell) they had 26 children. Although it will be very difficult to accomplish, we would like to try and have stories from each of the 26 branches. Please help if you can. Even if you just have a little tidbit to share, please do so! Nothing is too insignificant to pass along. We look forward to hearing from you. A sample of one family history appears in this issue.



The Mitchell family tree is an ongoing and never-ending project for which we will always need your assistance. Please keep us posted of births, deaths, marriages, etc. so we can keep it as up-to-date as possible. We are also compiling an archives of old family pictures, copies of documents, etc. If you have anything you'd like to share with us along this line we'd be pleased to hear from you. At the same time, we are looking for up-to-date pictures for the "Family Scrapbook". Please send us your family snapshot.

Mitchell Family Pins

Our Mitchell family pin is a lapel pin, 3/4" in diameter, shaped like a shamrock to depict the Irish background, with red, green and white taken from the Mitchell dress tartan to depict the Scottish background. "Mitchell" is inscribed across one white band. The pins sell for $5.00 each (which includes postage).


We have a small supply of T-shirts left from Reunion 1998. They are available on a first-come-first-served basis. decal.jpg (42094 bytes)The cost is $12.00 plus a little something for mailing. They are a plain white T-shirt with the same crest as our Mitchell family pins on the left front. If anyone is interested, contact Pam and Ken Mitchell. 


We also have some decals (for your car window or bumper,school bag, binder, etc.) with the same family crest. They are available for $2.00 each. A full size sample is shown.Again, contact Pam and Ken if you are interested in having one or more of these decals.

 Lost Cousins

We have had mail returned to us from the last mailing for the following cousins. Can you help us locate them - they are listed with their last known addresses:

Newsletter Subscriptions

Please don't forget - we need your support to keep the Newsletter going! It is published twice a year - March and September. OR send us your e-mail address and it can be sent to you free of charge.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: $5.00 (Canadian funds) per year (multiple years or donations accepted with pleasure!) CHEQUES PAYABLE TO: Mitchell Family Newsletter

Please send subscriptions and donations in CANADIAN FUNDS. An example is a cheque for $5.00 U.S. for which we receive approximately $1.50 in foreign exchange and are charged $2.75 for a foreign cheque, which leaves us with about $3.75. We would appreciate your assistance with this, either by sending subscriptions in Canadian funds or making sure the U.S. or other currency cheque covers the charges. Many thanks for your help.

SEND TO: Pam Mitchell - address on the front page.

SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2000 are paid if you have a green shamrock on the front page of this issue.    OR

Subscribe for the E-mail/Internet version and receive the Newsletter free of charge by contacting Grant Ackney at:


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: AUGUST 31, 2000 (no later please!)

 "He only deserves to be remembered by posterity who treasures up and preserves the history of his ancestors."

Edmund Burke

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