Mitchell Family Newsletter

“Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.”  Proverbs 22:28

 Vol. 24        ISSN 1185-6211  No. 2


October 2003  

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Mitchell Reunion July 9-11 2004


Editorial Crew for this Edition: David Sargent, Mabel Mitchell, Pam Mitchell, Grant Ackney

 Article contributors for this Edition:  Thank You All!


  • Mabel & Ross Mitchell (Man)

  • Pam & Ken Mitchell (Ont.)

  • Grant Ackney (BC)

  • Tom and Lucille Mitchell(Man)

  • Eileen MacMillan (Ont)

  • Pat Hawkins(Alta)

  • Donna Mitchell(Ont)


 Contents Summary:  

  • Pam’s & Grant’s & Dave’s Messages

  • Important Projects that need your help

  • Stan Mitchell 6th Memorial Golf Tournament
  • Remembrances, Anniversaries, Weddings,

  • New Mitchell’s,

  • Cousins in the News  

  • Reunion 2004 – Details & Contacts

  • Ross & Mabel Mitchell

  • Map Correction

  • Where to Stay


 Contact us: 

Newsletter items, ideas, submissions and comment

Dave Sargent

4019 Hessington Place

Victoria BC V8N 5C5


Phone (250) 721-2430


Subscription Fee, Mitchell Memorial,

Family Tree, Merchandise, Treasurer,

Family Guru and Authority!

Pam (Jones) Mitchell

174 Oakridge Blvd.

Nepean ON K2G 2V2


Phone (613) 225-1435 

Fax: (613) 225-0130

   Webmaster, Email list

   Change email address  

Grant Ackney

Box 563

Nelson BC V1L 5R3




SUBMISSIONS: by February 15, 2004

Dave ‘s Message (Victoria, B.C.)

 The 2nd REUNION NOTICE IS HERE and this newsletter is shorter than past notices because we want people to focus on the reunion, and we are distributing hundreds of copies of the newsletter to past contributors in hopes of attracting them to the Reunion in 2004.

To all Newsletter Readers: I seem to have scared many would be contributors away with my past email notices!  We have more of you online and are getting fewer contributions from you! Please put Mitchell newsletter in the subject line somewhere, I am not stuck on the format of your submission, I can work into the announcement.  What we need to know as much as you can tell us:

If you send me an email and I do not reply, do not assume that we received it. Please follow up with an email asking if I got it, we should not have to do this, but there are similar emails to mine in other provinces and I have received their email and forwarded on to them. They may not do the favour and send it on to me.

Last Newsletter I included a map of the reunion site for Elkhorn Manitoba, even though it went through several drafts all of us missed that Elkhorn Ranch is not at Elkhorn but at Onanole Manitoba, please see the new map (s).



The Mitchell's of Manitoba

History in advance of the 2004 reunion to be held in Brandon, Manitoba. We would like stories and pictures or people, places, things to do for all ages. In this issue, we have two great stories from Manitoba. Copies of video also welcome and we have editing equipment and can combine the tapes. Contact Dave or any of us with ideas or materials.



Your Pictures and Stories

about family members preserving history, family adventures, family or individual accomplishments or milestones. For example, children write projects about parents and grandparents or family history, some of you paint, some of you take pictures, some of you write poetry, some of you are researching family history and genealogy, let’s hear from you all.

arrowrtwht.gif (5719 bytes)Grant’s Message-Internet News  anylizing_computer_10066WHT.gif (8880 bytes)

Just a thank you and a reminder that if you have any family that's not on the News Letter list yet make sure you tell them to get connected, it's simple. Just get them to send their email address to us at and we will send them the Website Address.  Just had to put another plug in for the Web Site - Hope to hear from you all soon. aemail.gif (20906 bytes)

Grant Ackney6 (Alexander3, William2)


Pam’s Message – (Nepean, Ontario)

What a busy few months it has been - a very rainy July and a very hot August, including a blackout, our 35th anniversary, a trip to Calgary for my niece’s wedding - and - not much time at the cottage.  There is still time though and we are hoping to see some of the fall colours at the lake before the season is over.

Ken has been suffering with kidney stones for the last few months which culminated in emergency surgery in the middle of September.  He is feeling much better now that the big “rock” has been removed.  At the same time as Ken had one of his kidney stone attacks, so did his sister Donna6- a real family affair!  Both are now well and equally glad it is over!!!

In August we were pleasantly surprised by a telephone call from George Abey6 (Henry3, William2) from Chater, MB.  They were in Nepean with their daughters Ashley and Amberly for the Canadian Grand Masters Fiddling Championships.  As it turned out, Centrepointe Theatre where Amberly was competing (I hope I didn’t mix up the two girls) was only a few blocks from our house.  The four came for a visit after the competition and we had a great time.  None of us had met before but by the end of their visit we felt like we had known them forever. 


From left to right are Ken Mitchell6 (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Nepean,,Ont., George Abey6,

Bev (Birmingham) Abey, Amberly7 and Ashley7 (Henry3, William2) of Chater, MB. 


Thanks for making that phone call George - we really appreciated and enjoyed your visit! Hopefully we will meet again at Reunion 2004!

            Last weekend we were at the cottage and it happened to be the weekend of the "Artists in their Environment" tour in the Gatineau Hills.  Our neighbours on our cottage road were exhibiting in their studio - they do beautiful stained glass and cast glass work.  We had some friends visiting us and decided to walk up the hill to the studio to show it off.  While we were there we took in another artist, Jason Mayer from Rupert, Quebec whose paintings were on display in our neighbour's studio.  He did magnificent paintings - if anyone is interested, follow the links for the "Artists in their Environment" at to see some of his work.  After chatting with Jason, it was discovered that his grandfather acquired some property from George Mitchell4 (Alexander3, Samuel2) on Vancouver Island many years ago.  After this time, they decided to move a log cabin which was on the property - it was put on a flatbed and shipped to Wolfe Lake, Quebec where, we understand, it is still standing today.  In explaining who we were, we told him about the restoration project the family had undertaken of the pioneer cemetery in Rupert.  He had seen the cemetery many times as he lives in Rupert and asked lots of questions about the history behind it.  He was very impressed with the restoration and has always been intrigued by it.  He tells us that now that he knows the background of the work done there, he wants to go back and do a painting of it.  We have asked him to let us know when he does it so that we can have a firsthand look at it.

Pam (Jones) Mitchell  (Ken6, William Noble3, Samuel2)



Fall 2003 Newsletter Contributions:

Thank You to Edwin6 and Denise Lytle (Sara3,Samuel2) of Swan Lake, MB for their most generous donation to the newsletter.

Thank You to Tom4 and Lucille (McVannel) Mitchell (Isaac3, Samuel2) of Brandon, MB for their most generous donation to the newsletter.

Thank You to Pat (Mitchell) Hawkins5 (William3, William2) of Calgary, AB for her most generous donation to the newsletter.



Newsletter Subscriptions   Please do not forget - we need for postage and printing OR send us your e-mail address at and it can be sent to you free of charge.

SUBSCRIPTIONS: $5.00 per year (multiple years or donations accepted with pleasure!) 

CHEQUES PAYABLE in Canadian Funds TO: Mitchell Family Newsletter or send CASH from U.S. (bank processing fees are huge) c/o Pam Mitchell - address on the front page.  SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2004 are paid if you have a Green Shamrock on the front page of this issue.


Health Web Link of the Month   - Have you had your flu shot yet?

45 people died from SARS in Canada last year which so far does not have a vaccine, but more than 17,000 died from the flu in Canada and the United States alone and we do have a vaccine for that. In many provinces if you are over age 65 or have chronic conditions your flu shot is free, for others it is often a modest fee.

Be emergency prepared (minimum):

Mitchell Memorial Restoration Project

The Mitchell Memorial Restoration Fund is used for the upkeep of the old pioneer cemetery in the Gatineau Hills of Quebec.  Anyone wishing to donate to this project may do so by making a cheque payable to Mitchell Memorial Restoration Fund and sending it to Pam for deposit in the fund.  Many thanks for your continuing support. Contact Pam (address on page 1).



 The Mitchell family tree is an ongoing and never-ending project. Please keep us posted of births, deaths, marriages, etc. so we can keep it as up-to-date as possible.  We are also compiling an archive of old family pictures, copies of documents, etc.  If you have anything you'd like to share with us along this line we'd be pleased to hear from you.  At the same time, we are looking for up-to-date pictures for the "Family Scrapbook".  Please send us your family snapshot. Contact Pam (address on page 1).


Caveat Emptor – Buyer and Poster Beware The newsletter is on the Internet, even if it were not, every family has the odd scoundrel. When asking for help, or offering a service be extra careful who you offer a service to, or accept something from. OR if approached by someone claiming to be a relative (a very popular scam using the phone books, they see the same last name and claim to be a cousin or nephew, nothing to stop them using the internet too). Check and re-check, ask questions, do not be afraid to find out whom you are dealing with, be comfortable, say no, and never offer money.   Enjoy your company and your travels, and tell us about it!

6th Annual


The 6th Annual Stan Mitchell Memorial Tournament was a big success and we had a full field of golfers for, once again, a beautiful day in the Gatineau Hills.  This year we were really sorry that Bob Mitchell(5), Orville Mitchell(5) and Eileen (Mitchell) MacMillan(5), Dad’s brothers and sister, were unable to attend due to health problems - hopefully next year we will have them all back in our midst once more.  Ken P. Mitchell(5), Dad’s cousin, drove up from Westport, Ontario for the tournament and, as in past years, was a huge help with the day - Ken organized the putting contest and made it lots of fun for everyone there - thanks Ken!!!   This year we were thrilled to welcome more of our own generation cousins.    We had such a great time that an all-out effort will be made to add to this group for next year.  

Attending this year were in the picture below, left to right are Nancy (Campbell) Moore6 of Ottawa, Ontario, Sharon (Killeen) Rouatt6 and Kathy (Killeen) Bobyn6 both of Nepean, Ontario, Tom Killeen6 of Toronto, Ontario, Donna Mitchell6 of Franktown, Ontario and Ken Mitchell6 of Nepean.  



Prize and Trophy Winners    

  • Putting Contest:

  •   Libby Conway     

  •   Closest to the Pin           

  • Ladies:   Wendy Grant

  • Men:       Ken Mitchell6

  • Longest Putt –

  • Ladies:   Irene Gallagher

  • Men:       Jim Woods  

  • Gross Score –

  • Ladies:   Marg Pendlebury

  • Men:       Jim Woods  


Net Score – 
  • Ladies: Irene Gallagher

  • Men: Merv Mitchell (Gerry Watters

  • and Mitch Phomin lost the tie bre


This year we also had the added excitement of the “McCarthy Spirit Award” - Len McCarthy passed away last year and he and Dad were the co-founders of “The Duffers”golfing group.  It is made up of seniors who play golf once a week at 4 or 5 different courses around the area. 


On an average Wednesday in the summer there are 45-50 Duffers on the links.  This year Len’s family put up a trophy at our tournament.  It was for the most honest golfer with the HIGHEST score.  It was won by Pat McCarthy for the men and on the ladies side there was a tie-breaker between Janet-Lynne Mulligan and our very own Sharon (Killeen) Rouatt(6) (William Noble-3, Samuel-2).  The tie was broken with a putt-off and although the ladies did not know it at the time, the one with the MOST number of strokes won - it eventually was won by Janet-Lynne Mulligan.

That’s all the news for now - really looking forward to the reunion next year in Manitoba - hopefully we will all be well and able to attend.  Best of luck to the organizing committee - we know it is a lot of hard work but don’t forget to make time to enjoy the experience yourselves!

Kenneth H.R.6, William Noble3, Samuel2

174 Oakridge Blvd. Nepean, ON, K2G 2V2

Tel.: (613) 225-1435     Fax: (613) 225-0130     E-Mail:



bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)    Remembrance    bibleblk.gif (5722 bytes)

Fraser Mitchell4 (Isaac 3, Samuel 2

Fraser Mitchell4 at the age of 90 died on April 28 2003 at Calgary, Alberta.

Immediate Family son in law and daughter Janice5 (Mitchell) and Gary Meester

and Grandson Glenn6. Calgary, Alberta.

Contributed by Tom4 and Lucillle (McVannel) Mitchell (Isaac3 Samuel2)

Brandon Manitoba

Editor’s Note: Fraser led an interesting life, a small portion of which we had the honour of presenting in the Fall 2002 Newsletter Vol. 23 ISSN 1185-6211 No. 2.


Happy Anniversary


Ken6 and Pam (Jones) Mitchell (William Noble3, Samuel2) of Nepean, Ontario celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary  on August 24, 2003.




Happy Anniversary


David6 and Susan (Angus) Sargent (Henry3 William2) of Victoria BC celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on June 3rd 2003.





Jaime Lombaret6 and Leah Bouchard were Married at

Brandon Manitoba on July 12 2003.

Jaime is son of Jo Ann5 Gelesthorpe and Jerry Lombert

grandparents Maretta4 (Mitchell) and Ab. Gelesthorpe

(Isaac3 Samuel 2) 



Michael Thomas7 and Sandra Hoogeveen were Married

on July 26, 2003.

Michael is son of Roy and Jane6 (Smedley) Thomas of Nepean

and grandson of Janet (Scobie) Smedley5 of Nepean.



Brian MacMillan6 (William Noble3, Samuel2) and Diane Beriault were married in Ottawa, Ontario, on June 22nd, 2003.  They were married on board an Ottawa River Boat Cruise in a beautiful sunset ceremony out on the river.  Congratulations to you both.

New Mitchells

Susan Elizabeth Ann Fox8 was born to

Dan and Megan7 (Thomas) Fox on July 31, 2003

at Nepean, Ontario.

 Granddaughter for Roy and Jane6 (Smedley) Thomas

of Nepean, and first great granddaughter

for Janet Elizabeth Mary5 (Scobie) Smedley

of Nepean. (William3, William2)



New Mitchells

Claire Madeline Hawkins7 was born to

Neil Hawkins6 and Jennifer Seamons on June 7 2003.

 Contributed by Pat Hawkins

Calgary Alberta

Cousins in the News

Greg Mahood7 (William Noble3, Samuel2) has been accepted into the Master’s Program at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.  Greg is son of Donna Mitchell6 of Franktown, Ontario.




Mitchell Reunion July 9-11 2004

Contact Info:

Mabel & Ross Mitchell

5 Hamilton Drive

Brandon MB

R7C 1A3    Ph. 204-726-5577


We (the Reunion Committee) have been looking into the prices at Clear Lake Riding Mountain National Park for those planning to attend the Mitchell Reunion July 9-11 2004, Elkhorn Ranch, (just outside Onanole not Elkhorn Manitoba) would be the headquarters with other motels available. 

We held another meeting planning the events for next July and want to stress to those hoping to attend to make their reservations by the end of March at the latest. We have banked 30 rooms at Elkhorn Ranch plus the executive chalet that has four bedrooms, three car garage, two hot tubs, and accommodates 12 people. We are on the waiting list for 2 or 3 chalets that only book for the week. Phone number is toll free 1-866-355-4676 and when booking inform them it is for the Group Mitche.    New Chalet has 6 rooms banked -some have 1 queen and others two double beds.  Manigaming has 1 kitchenette that only rents for the week at $689 plus a suite that has 3 beds at $79 .[Three night limit] These two rooms should be booked before Christmas as the owners are away Jan . and Feb. Telephone # 204-848-7331  For information re Smokey Hollow contact Darryl Andrews , # 204-729-4949.

 Campground information is at the Administrative office #1-800-707-8480 toll free and you should phone them late November or early Dec, as they are changing their reservation system. can always cancel, but be sure you have your reservations booked as Clear Lake is a very popular resort and hard to find accommodation.

 Registration is Friday night at Elkhorn Ranch and hayrides and a bonfire planned for those interested, while the others can visit with their relatives... Saturday morning, weather permitting, we plan to take you on pontoon boat tours on the lake. Lunch will be at the cook shack behind the Interpretive Centre about 1 P.M. Feel free to wander through the museum, visit the shops, or bask in the sun on the beach. Golf will be available for those wanting to golf at any one of the three golf courses nearby.

 Tables will be set up for the silent auction and we are asking families to bring an item to be sold. The banquet is Saturday evening at Elkhorn Ranch and we are hoping each family will put on a skit, sing a song, or "whatever". The auction and entertainment will follow the banquet.

 Sunday morning brunch will be held at Smokey Hollow followed by games, races, and a ball game or two, PLUS the Tug of War. If anyone knows where the trophy is please contact   me at #204-726-5577 or More news will follow in the March News letter ,but the important thing now is to get your accommodations.

NEW MAP: The last map was to Elkhorn and not to the Elkhorn Ranch, which happens to be MUCH closer to Onanole Manitoba.  (Hey I was in the same province at least) Ed.  The red star marks the spot of the reunion, Onanole and the Elkhorn Ranch!  North of Brandon (about a one hour drive) so the brochure says, two and one half hours from Winnipeg.



To refresh Your Memories the accommodations were: * These prices are for 2002, so will probably be a little higher by 2004. Elkhorn Ranch Rooms Pricing:

·     Queen and 1 hide-a-bed $139.99 daily weekend price

·     Double room [2 queens & balcony] $149.99

·     Deluxe fireplace room [1 queen & 1 hide-a-bed, balcony, mini fridge) $149.99

·     Chalets [bedrooms, queen beds, hide-a-bed, patio, fireplace BBQ] $260.00 daily [max 6 people] weekly $1450

·          Exec. Chalet, 4 bedrooms, private grounds, 3 car garage, 2 hot tubs, 3 fireplaces, exec. boardroom, master suite $600 [max 12]

Other Riding Mountain National Park Motels & Resorts

Smoky Hollow – Onanole    3 night min. booking, outdoor swimming pool and hot tub

·        5-3 bedroom condos $175 each          10-2 bedroom condos $140

·        6 motel rooms $55                                3 kitchenette rooms $75

New Chalet – Downtown  Must book 4 nights.  Prices range  $80 - $96, Close to shops & lake.

Campgrounds - walking distance from Elkhorn Ranch

·           Fully serviced $25 per night; water & electricity $22; electricity only $20; non service $13. Booking fee $8

Avondale Cabins        
PTH 10 Onanole
Wasagaming,MB R7N 2H0
(204) 848-2512

Buffalo Resorts Limited
116 Ta-Wa-Pit Dr
Wasagaming,MB R0J 1N0   
(204) 848-2404

Clear Lake Lodge
Columbine St.
Wasagaming, MB R0J 2H0
(204) 848-2345

Mooswa Motel &

Mooswa Dr


MB R0J 2H0


Elkhorn Resort
Mooswa Dr.
Wasagaming, MB R0J 2H0
(204) 848-2802

Idylwylde Bungalow  
109 Ta-Wa-Pit Dr
Wasagaming, MB R0J 2H0
(204) 848-2383

Johnson Cabins
109 Ta-Wa-Pit Dr
Wasagaming,MB R7N 2H0
(204) 848-2524

The New Chalet
116 Wasagaming Dr

MB R0J 2H0

Lee's Holiday Bungalow
Mooswa Dr
Wasagaming, MB R0J 2H0
(204) 848-2511

Manigaming Motel
137 Ta-Wa-Pit Dr
Wasagaming, MB R0J 2H0

McTavish's Motel
128 Wasagaming Dr
Wasagaming, MB R0J 2H0
(204) 848-7366


Mooswa Drive Onanole, MB R0J 2H0  848-2521